FRIC Center for Financial Frictions receives funding for a second period

The FRIC Center for Financial Frictions has received funding for the extension of the research center for 4 more years, from 2018-2022. FRIC is a Centre of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation, and it was established in 2012 with a 6-year grant of DKK 48 Mio. FRIC focuses on how prices and markets are affected by financial frictions such as transactions costs, leverage constraints, counterparty credit risk, illiquidity and asymmetric information.
The FRIC Center is managed by center leader David Lando, professor at the Department of Finance.
- It is a privilege to lead a group of such talented and hard-working researchers. The renewal is a strong recognition of their hard work. We are looking forward to continuing the work of attracting world-leading financial economists to our conferences and to help train a new generation of high-level researchers in financial economics, says center leader David Lando.
Currently, the CBS members of FRIC are 6 professors, 2 associate professors, 5 assistant professors/post docs and 11 PhD students. In addition, there are 4 external professors from four different universities associated with FRIC. The Center has 1 center coordinator and 6 student assistants
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