Department of Economics
Industrial Organization
Marcus Asplund, 2016. Did the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly set Monopoly Prices? (Forthcoming Economica).
Marcus Asplund, Rickard Eriksson, and Niklas Strand, 2008, Price Discrimination in Oligopoly: Evidence from Regional Newspapers.Journal of Industrial Economics, 56:333-346.
Marcus Asplund, Richard Friberg, and Fredrik Willander, 2007, Demand and Distance: Evidence on Cross-Border Shopping, Journal of Public Economics, 91:141-157.
Marcus Asplund and Volker Nocke, 2006, Firm Turnover in Imperfectly Competitive Markets, Review of Economic Studies, 73: 295-327
Marcus Asplund, Rickard Eriksson, and Niklas Strand, 2005, Prices, Margins and Liquidity Constraints: Evidence from Swedish Newspapers, Economica, 72: 349-359
Marcus Asplund and Richard Friberg, 2002, Food Prices and Market Structure in Sweden, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 104:547-567
Marcus Asplund, 2002, Risk-Averse Firms in Oligopoly, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 20: 995-1012
Marcus Asplund and Richard Friberg, 2001, Deviations from the Law of One Price in Scandinavian Duty-Free Stores, American Economic Review, 91: 1072-1083
Marcus Asplund, 2000, What Fraction of a Capital Investment is Sunk Costs? Journal of Industrial Economics, 48:287-304
Marcus Asplund, Rickard Eriksson, and Richard Friberg, 2000, Price Adjustments by a Gasoline Retail Chain, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 102: 101-121
Marcus Asplund and Rickard Sandin, 1999, The Number of Firms and Production Capacity in Relation to Market Size, Journal of Industrial Economics, 47:69-86
Marcus Asplund and Rickard Sandin, 1999, Competition in Interrelated Markets: An Empirical Study, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 17:353-369
Marcus Asplund and Rickard Sandin, 1999, The Survival of New Products Review of Industrial Organization ,15: 219-237.
Marcus Asplund and Richard Friberg, 1998, Links between Competition and Inflation, Quarterly Review, Sveriges Riksbank, 3:50-73.
Marcus Asplund, 1996, Essays in Industrial Economics. Ph.D. thesis.
In progress
Marcus Asplund, David Genesove and Steffen Anderssen, Multi-agent Bargaining Under Asymmetric Information: An Emprical Test.
Marcus Asplund, Battista Severgnini, and Carl-Johan Dalgaard, Saints and Economic Growth.
Marcus Asplund, On the Size Distribution of Firms and Markets.
Marcus Asplund, Competition and Subsidies.
In: Applied Economics, Vol. 51, No. 7, 2019, p. 722-730
In: Economica, Vol. 85, No. 339, 7.2018, p. 532-557
In: Symposium i anvendt statistik: 22.-24. januar 2018. . ed. /Peter Linde. København : Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi, Københavns Universitet og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø 2018, p. 227
Paper presented at 7th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association, 2017
In: Berlingske, 7.2.2023
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