Kim M. Adamsen holds an MSc in Business Administration and Auditing and has a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing) as well as a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Organization and Management). In addition, he has followed a number of other courses and programs i.e. an executive MBA (100 growth days).
He has a huge and varied experience in practice being at the senior management level in different private companies in different roles such as manager, division manager CFO, COO and CEO. In addition, he has experience from working in the public sector. The practical experience gained from these positions in practice as well as his documented interest in continuous education of himself is a good combination for teaching as Teaching assistance professor at CBS. With a good insight into the content and theory within Financial accounting, management accounting and control.
Primary research areas
Management control systems
Management Accounting
Financial Accounting
Performance Management
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Financial- & Management Accounting, undergraduate
Performance Measurement in Procurement Organizations, graduate
Management Control Systems, graduate diploma
Management Accounting, graduate diploma
Selected publications
Adamsen, Kim M.: Undervisningskompendium (2007); ”Ledelsens forventninger og krav til controllerens rolle”, IBC Euroforum, Copenhagen
Adamsen, Kim M. (2006): ”Lean og de krav det stiller til økonomifunktionens og dets controllere”, Økonomistyring & Informatik, nr. 3, december 2006; Copenhagen
Adamsen, Kim M. (2003):”Økonomifunktionens rolle i relation til nye ledelsesformer og økonomistyingsværktøjer”, Økonomistyring & Informatik nr. 2, oktober 2003, Copenhagen
Adamsen, Kim M. & Dybro, Gitte (1998): ”Sammenhængen mellem personalepolitik og økonomistyring.” Økonomistyring & informatik nr. 5, april 1998, Copenhagen
Outside activities
Brussels School of Governance; 2018- on going Luxembourg School of Business; 2019- on going Louvain School of Management; 2018-2021