Follow-up from the conference 'Protection of IP: the fight against counterfeiting'

On November 26 2021, CBS LAW organized the conference - Protection of IP: the fight against counterfeiting.
We would like to thank all the speakers:
- Barbara Suhr-Jessen, Head of Enforcement and Anti-Counterfeiting Department, Danish Patent and Trademark Office, Denmark
- Mickey Arieli, Director and Founder of Division of Enforcement Ministry of Heallth, Israel (Retired) & Research Fellow, International Institute For Counter-Terrorism (ICT) Reichman University — Herzliya, Israel
- Sara Sparring, Advocate and co-founder of Synch, on the board of the Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group, Sweden
- Sofie Beiter Arreskov, Advocate and Manager for IP, Plesner, Denmark
- Stina Teilmann-Lock, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School
- Vishv Priya Kohli, Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School (CBS LAW)
as well as all the participants who attended the conference for your active participation and for celebrating the book launch of Vishv Priya Kohli’s book, ‘Counterfeit and Falsified Medicines in the EU – A Legal Perspective’, published by Edward Elgar Publishing (Available here:
The conference was attended by a cross section of policy makers, practitioners and researchers, including representatives of the Lægemiddelstyrelsen (Danish Medicines Agency), Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen (the Danish Trade Mark Authority), as well as researchers and advocates.
The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 11/30/2021