
  • 27.02.2015

    Has crime prevention gotten out of hand?

    Lock your bike. Lock the front door. Two sound pieces of advice that most of us follow without thinking too much about it. But preventative measures come at a price and one that has become too high, according to CBS researcher Christian Borch.
  • 25.02.2015

    Nordic supermodel product of willingness to reform and fiscal responsibility

    While many of the southern European countries are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, the Nordic countries are managing so well that they are seen as economic role models. In a new interview Professor of Economics Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen indicates that willingness to reform, accumulating savings in boom years and being open to new technology are some of the principal reasons for this.
  • 29.10.2014

    Use the past to shape the future

    According to CBS Professor Tor Hernes’ new book, the past is not just the past. The past is mouldable and something that a business owner must face, because a company’s future is influenced by the parts of the past we choose to focus on.
  • 19.08.2014

    Break free of strategic dogma and be successful

    Ryanair, Tata Motors, and Emirates Airlines are all examples of companies that have shed the weight of strategic dogma and instead have explored, with success, new and surprising strategic paths. Two CBS researchers consider this a mark of the emergence of a new strategic paradigm that favors the companies that adapt academic strategy to corporate reality and not the other way round.
  • 11.06.2014

    The recently passed EU banking union does not achieve its objective

    The bank resolution package, devised to safeguard EU taxpayers’ money in the event of bank failures, is insufficient and does not offer adequate protection for depositors, according to CBS researcher Georg Ringe. He suggests that the banking sector itself provides the necessary insurance. This approach will also make it easier to rally support for the banking union across the EU.
  • 11.11.2013

    International breakthrough in battle against tax evasion

    Recent international initiatives to combat tax evasion and avoidance will make it harder for companies and individuals to hide profits in tax havens. FATCA, the acronym of an American policy initiative, differs from previous initiatives in terms of what tax information is exchanged between authorities and how. CBS researcher thinks these differences may prove crucial in the fight against tax evasion.
  • 08.11.2013

    I Polen regner de den ud for Carlsberg

    Historien om det polske Carlsberg-bryggeri Okocim viser, at det ikke kun betyder rationalisering og tab af ansvar, når et mindre bryggeri opkøbes af en af verdens bryggerigiganter. Okocim, der i dag hedder Carlsberg Polska, sidder i dag med ansvaret for hele Carlsberg-koncernens regnskabs- og revisionsafdeling og har som datterselskab vundet i indflydelse.
  • 07.11.2013

    Inklusion er dilemmaernes holdeplads

    Den simple opskrift på vellykket implementering af inklusion i skolerne findes ikke. Det konkluderer CBS-forsker Helene Ratner i ny bog om netop inklusion. Hun anbefaler, at man i kommunerne og folkeskolerne er bevidste om at tage de refleksive briller på, for vil man lykkes med inklusion, skal man have øje for de dilemmaer, som uundgåeligt følger med.
  • 23.08.2013

    German business returning home

    I perioden 1999 til 2006 lod titusindvis af tyske virksomheder sig registrere i England. Efter 2006 hørte den bevægelse op, og den tyske regering hævder, at dens tiltag til at forbedre forholdene for virksomhederne er skyld i den udvikling. Nu stiller ny forskningsartikel spørgsmålstegn ved den konklusion – og måske var det slet ikke nødvendigt for EU-landene at slække på lovkravene til virksomhederne?
