Great demand for study places at CBS

This year, more than 7,000 young people applied to CBS, of which 3,181 new bachelor students are offered a study place. This shows the great demand for study places in many of the study programmes again this year. Here you can see the required grade point average for the study programmes at CBS in 2022.



It is with great pleasure that Copenhagen Business School can e-mail offers of admission to 3,181 applicants, on the night between Wednesday and Thursday. The future bachelor students can look forward to starting a new chapter in their lives on campus at Frederiksberg when the introduction events begin during the second half of August.

“A huge welcome to our new students. It is wonderful to see so many clever, young people wanting to study at Copenhagen Business School. Our graduates are highly valued by the business world as they combine high academic standards with a keen eye for the great challenges faced by both companies and society in general,” says Acting President, Inger Askehave.

Learning is lifelong
All in all, 7,392 ambitious applicants applied for one of the eighteen bachelor programmes at CBS. This year will see the admission of 3,181 students. This means that there is a great demand for study places and that many applicants have not been accepted. The most popular programmes – that is, the programmes with the highest grade point average for admission via quota 1 – is International Business (11.5), International Business and Politics (11.1), Business Administration and Sociology (10.3), HA i projektledelse (10.3) and Business Administration and Digital Management (10.1).

“CBS receives many more applications than we have study places.  Unfortunately, this means that we have to reject many qualified applicants. We hope that they will try again or find another great study place somewhere else. Learning is lifelong, and even though it may feel that way, the higher education you begin with is not decisive for exciting job opportunities in the future,” says Acting President, Inger Askehave. 

Diversity in the study environment
CBS aims for diversity among our students. This year, there is once again a relatively high offer of admission via quota 2, where students are not merely admitted on account of their grade point average. All in all, 898 applicants have been offered a study place via quota 2, which is approximately 3 out of 10 new students. Quota 2 attaches importance to applicants’ qualities beyond their grades, including what they have done after their upper secondary exam as well as their motivation.

23 percent of the new bachelor students have an international educational background, and among these a quarter is admitted to a Danish programme. Among the 77 percent with a Danish educational background, one in five is admitted to an English programme. In other words, there is a tendency for Danish students to also apply to the English programmes at CBS, where the overall distribution of students is 50/50 between students with a Danish and international educational background, respectively. The new bachelor students consist of 47 percent women and 53 percent men – statistically, more women than men complete their master’s degree.

See entry grade point average and number of applicants for 2022 here

Read more about study start here

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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 01/25/2024