Business Source Ultimate

Business Source Ultimate contains +5000 full text journals. This includes Harvard Business Review, industry and company profiles, industry and market reports, case studies and SWOT analysis.

Business Source Ultimate

Business Source Ultimate contains +5000 full text journals. This includes Harvard Business Review, industry and company profiles, industry and market reports, case studies and SWOT analysis.

Business Source Ultimate contents

Business Ultimate contains research articles, company profiles, SWOT analyses, cases. Furthermore, you will find thousands of industry and market reports at country level as well as regional level. These are publications from Datamonitor, EIU, WEFA, Countrywatch, ICON Group, and MarketLine and others.

The database covers a wide range of topics and contains various subject areas within business, including areas such as management, finance, banking, insurance, auditing, law, international business, marketing, human resource management, production management, public administration, computer science.

Hints from the librarian 

Search words 

Be inspired by the subject terms in the Thesaurus. In the thesaurus you can see which words the database uses to describe a topic.
By using the thesaurus you can either expand or narrow your searches compared to the word you would otherwise use.

What does AND, OR or NOT mean?

  • AND -  combines your search terms so that each search result contains all the words
  • OR - combines your search terms so that each search result contains at least one of the words
  • NOT - excludes the search terms

Find a specific journal
In the "publications" menu, you can search for a specific journal, e.g. Harvard Business Review, and see the table of contents from individual issues. You can also search for journals within a specific topic.

Find company profiles
In the "Company profiles" menu, you can find company profiles with SWOT analyses, an overview of competitors, and a company history section.

Get a good start

Business Source Ultimate Facts

Coverage 5000+ full text journals
7000+ indexed journals including abstracts
and much more
Period 1911-
Geographical coverage World
Provider EBSCOhost


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 02/03/2025