
  • 19.12.2017

    Naive companies hand away control to Google and Facebook

    Data is developing into a resource on a par with gold, oil and money. This resource can be the difference between success or failure, between being independent or a subcontractor. Right now, according to research from CBS based on the digitisation of media houses, companies are naively in the process of giving away data and control to Google and Facebook.
  • 01.09.2017

    Fossil fuel investors risk burning their fingers

    Climate change is a serious risk to investment in fossil fuels, but according to a research article written by CBS researchers Ken L. Bechmann and Mads Stenbo Nielsen, many investors fail to acknowledge this risk.
  • 01.09.2017

    New names at CBS

    CBS employs more than 650 researchers. Each year new people join our faculty or get new tasks. Meet Professor Nanna Mik-Meyer, Associate Professor Thomas Frandsen, Professor Juliana Hsuan and Professor Tom Kirchmaier.
  • 01.09.2017

    CBS decodes minor revolution by Bank of England

    How do you succeed in designing and implementing a new technology? That is the million-dollar question - or perhaps the trillion-dollar question. With special access to data, Associate Professor at CBS Cristiana Parisi was able to study a revolutionary technology made by the Bank of England. A technology which can be compared to how internet changed journalism. Her research may facilitate better business innovation in Denmark.
  • 01.09.2017

    CBS decodes a revolutionising innovation by the Bank of England

    How do you succeed in designing and implementing a new technology? That is the million-dollar question - or perhaps the trillion-dollar question. With special access to data, Associate Professor at CBS Cristiana Parisi was able to study a revolutionary technology made by the Bank of England. A technology which can be compared to how internet changed journalism. Her research may facilitate better business innovation in Denmark.
  • 01.09.2017

    Management @ Academy of Management

    While many of you were enjoying your summer vacation, researchers and PhD students at CBS were participating in the world’s largest management summit. Thousands of business researchers from across the globe met to share their thoughts and insights. Dean of Research Peter Møllgaard talks about his impressions from this year’s Academy of Management Annual Meeting and what all the hype is about.
  • 01.09.2017

    Nordic countries' propensity to save moderates financial crises

    By saving up during growth years, the Nordic countries managed to avoid the worst economic consequences of the financial crisis - as opposed to countries like Portugal and Greece. Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen is co-author of a new article about the fiscal policy of the Nordic countries. He emphasises the importance of not letting boom years become a fiscal pillow and expresses concern about the Danish tax-reform proposed last week.
  • 01.09.2017

    The art of innovation leadership is (also) being disrupted

    Today, the art of innovation is changing almost as fast as the global businesses that are being disrupted or fighting disruption. Companies have to change their approach to innovation leadership if they do not want to risk a very bumpy ride with unplanned destinations. Associate Professor Marion Poetz is researching innovation leadership, is advising multinational companies and policy makers and has the insight on how to stay up-to-date.
  • 01.09.2017

    American think tank holds up Copenhagen as a role model

    A report from the American think tank The Brookings Institution and CBS holds op Copenhagen as a role model for how stagnant cities can beat crises and gain momentum. The aim is to benefit from the old industry and port areas and invest in infrastructure such as the metro.
  • 03.04.2017

    The Short View

    Let Flemming Poulfelt give you the inside scoop on the executive boards of 36 Nordic companies, avoid making financial mistakes with Michael Møller as a your spiritual guide, read how – according to Caspar Rose – executives’ appetite for risk is proportional to their salary, come close to Majken Schultz and Carlsberg’s success with using the past in branding, and check out the latest must-read on CSR. Read The Short View.
