Last chance to register for event on Digital Natives and Big Data
What difference does it make that the next generation of employees has grown up with the internet and mobile phones readily available? And what exactly is this Big Data concept that you keep hearing about? Those questions will be answered, when Career Centre hosts a special event for business partners on 5 November from 9:00 to 12:30.
It is the first time that CBS Career Centre invites business partners to a special event in this way.
- This is a way for us to share some of the vast knowledge we have at CBS with our business partners. We decided on these specific topics because we think they are relevant to any company, says Jannie Kirstine Henriksen, Relations Manager at CBS Career Centre.
Meet two experts
Two speakers from CBS give key notes at the event. Per Østergaard Jacobsen, Associate Professor at CBS’ presentation is titled ‘How to handle customer data strategically – how will Big Data impact the bottom line?’ The idea behind Big Data is to retrieve information about the behaviour of your customers and act on that information in the right way.
The second talk is titled ‘Get to know the new generation of Digital Natives’ and is held by Søren Schultz Hansen, Associate Professor at CBS. The talk targets the generation after Generation Y, which Søren Schultz Hansen calls Year 2012. This generation of young people between 18 and 25 years has grown up with the internet and mobile phones, and how that impacts their behaviour as employees and customers is the focus of the talk.
To attend this special event send an email with your name, title, company name, and email address to Stephanie Tromborg
Read more about Per Østergaard Jacobsen
Read more about Søren Schultz Hansen’s digital natives