Professor MSO Poul F. Kjær joins the PP Platform

Professor MSO Poul Kjær joins the PPP cluster Shifting Forms of Public Governance. Poul F. Kjær is Professor MSO at the Department of Business and Politics and Principal Investigator of the European Research Council Project “Institutional Transformation in European Political Economy” (ITEPE) which is running until 2017.


Professor MSO Poul Kjær joins the PPP cluster Shifting Forms of Public Governance

Poul F. Kjær is Professor MSO at the Department of Business and Politics and Principal Investigator of the European Research Council Project “Institutional Transformation in European Political Economy” (ITEPE) which is running until 2017. ITEPE explores the evolution of intermediary institutions in the European context from the 1850s till today and most notably why and with what consequences consecutive switches between corporatist, neo-corporatist and governance institutions took place. The central aim is thus to increase our understanding of the nature of the relations and exchanges between the economy and the rest of society. Poul’s educational background is in sociology, political science and law. Prior to joining CBS he conducted his research at, among other places, the University of Copenhagen, Goethe University Frankfurt and the European University Institute in Florence.

Poul joins the PPP cluster Shifting Forms of Public Governance.

The page was last edited by: Public-Private Platform // 12/17/2017