
Senior Management

Deputy President
Room: KIL/14.A-1.75
Inger Askehave

As deputy president I am member of CBS’ Senior Management and jointly responsible for the day-to-day and strategic management of CBS. I am deputy to the president and act as a collaborative partner in matters regarding the overall management of CBS. Finally, I have direct managerial responsibility for CBS’ heads of department and jointly we are in charge of the strategic development of the departments.

I am a professor of professional communication at Aalborg University and have had a career in management at Aalborg University as head of department and pro-rector before I took on the position as deputy president at CBS in 2021.

Other Activities

Research fields:

My research career began in a business school environment at the then Handelshøjskolen i Århus. This is also reflected in my research profile where I have focused particularly on the business community and the challenges of professionals. My research field is primarily within business communication and business language and I have studied the challenges related to intercultural communication in the business community. I have contributed to increased transparency and communication to patients in professional contexts – including the barrier between technical language and lay language. Finally, my research is focused on gender issues in management.

Selected publications

Askehave, Inger; Bertel, Lykke Bro; Brohus, Henrik; Geil, Olav; Kolmos, Anette; Ovesen, Nis & Stoustrup, Jacob (2020). ’Future Digital Transformation at Aalborg University – Interdisciplinary Problem- and Project-Based Learning in a Post Digital Age’. Advances in Engineering Education (submitted).

Askehave, Inger & Zethsen, Karen, K. (2014). ‘Gendered Constructions of Leadership in Danish Job Advertisements’. Gender, Work and Organization, Vol 21, no 6, pp. 532-446.

Askehave, Inger (2014). ‘Revisiting Genre Analysis in Specialized Communication: The Job Advertisement as a Case in Point’. In Garzone, G. & Ilie, C. (eds.), Genres and Genre Theory in Transition: Specialized Discourses across Media and Modes. Brown Walker Press: Boca Raton, pp. 19-39.

Askehave, Inger & Holmgreen, Lise-Lotte (2011). ‘Why Can't They Do as We Do? A Study of the Discursive Constructions of 'Doing Culture' in a Cross-Border Company'. Text & Talk, 31, 3: 271-291.

Askehave, Inger & Zethsen, Karen K. (2010). 'Pil of the Month – A Study of Best Practice in Patient Information Leaflets’. Journal of Applied Linguistics & Professional Practice. 7, 1, pp. 97-120.

Askehave, Inger (2010). ’Communicating Leadership – A Discourse Analytical Perspective on the Job Advertisement’. Journal of Business Communication, 47, 3, pp. 313-345.

Askehave, Inger & Norlyk Birgitte (eds) (2006). Interpretations of Meaning – The Complexity of Intercultural Communication in a Business Context. Academica: Aarhus.

Askehave, Inger (2004). ‘If Language Is a Game - These are the Rules: A Search into the Rhetoric of the Spiritual Self-Help Book "If Life is a Game - These are the Rules"’. Discourse & Society, 15, 1, pp. 5-31.

External employment:

Board member, BI Norwegian Business School (2024 - )
Board member, Klitgaarden Fonden (2022 - ) 

Previous board memberships (selection)
Board member/chair, Aalborg Theatre (2014 – 2023)
Board member, Novi Ejendomsfond A/S (2011-2021)
Board member, The Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) (2019-2021)
Board member/deputy chair, Sino-Danish Center (2014-2019)
Board member/chair, Vesthimmerlands Gymnasium and HF (2011-2019)
Board member, University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) (2014-2018)
Board member, Skagens Museer (2015-2017)


Professional experience
2021-present: Deputy President, Copenhagen Business School
2024 (January) - 2024 (June): Interim President, Copenhagen Business School
2021 (September) - 2022 (August): Interim President, Copenhagen Business School
2010-2021: Pro-rector, Aalborg University
2009-2021: Professor, Aalborg University
2006-2010: Head of department, Aalborg University
2004-2006: Associate Professor/Programme Director, Department of Language and Culture, Aalborg University
1994-2004: Associate/Assistant Professor, Amanuensis, PhD Student, Department of English, Aarhus School of Business
1993: Secretary/translator, BP Gas A/S, Aarhus and Dansk Supermarked A/S, Aarhus

1998: PhD, Aarhus School of Business
1992: Master’s in Language & International Relations (English), Aalborg University
1988: Bachelor/Bilingual Secretary (English/French), Aalborg University

Long management courses
2020: Executive Management Programme, Module 1, Scandinavian Executive Institute (1 week)
2017: Course in Narrative leadership, coaching and organising work/Allan Holmgren, DISPUK (1 week)
2012: Media coaching, Have Kommunikation/Christian Have (coaching course)
2011: Institute of Educational Management (IEM), Harvard Graduate School of Education (2 weeks)
2007-2008: Head of department training/Søren Barlebo, Aalborg University (10 days)
2006-2007: Head of department training, University of Southern Denmark (13 days)