Institut for Organisation

My current research revolves around two main topics. On the one hand, I’ve since my PhD been preoccupied with the history and foundational problems of Organization Theory – in particular with what has happened to the core object of Organization Theory, i.e. ‘organization’.
On the other hand, I’m involved in a large research project on ‘the ethics of office’ in state service. In conjunction with this, my research explores the conditions for and critiques of bureaucratic office-holding, with a primary emphasis on Denmark. These two lines of research currently intersect in a study of anti-statist left- and right-wing critiques of formal organizational principles.
Organization theory
Bureaucracy and formal organization
Ethos of office / state service
Organization theory – HA(fil.)
Strategy – Master of Public Governance
I supervise projects at bachelor and master levels. My key areas of expertise include: Management, organization, strategy, and administration within the public as well as the private sector. I have previously supervised projects on a wide range of topics such as, for instance, bureaucracy, co-creation, the history of organization theory, creativity, philosophy, and political economy.
du Gay, P. and T. Lopdrup-Hjorth (2016) “Fear of the formal”, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 3(1): 6-40.
Lopdrup-Hjorth, T. (2015) “Object and Objective Lost? Organization-Phobia in Organization Theory”, Journal of Cultural Economy, 8(4): 439-461.
Lopdrup-Hjorth, T., M. Gudmand-Høyer, P. Bramming and M. Pedersen (2011): “Governing Work through Self-management”, editorial in Ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 11(2): 97-104.
Gudmand-Høyer, M. & T. Lopdrup Hjorth (2009): “Liberal Biopolitics Reborn”, Foucault Studies, nr. 7, pp. 99-130.
I: Sociological Thinking in Contemporary Organizational Scholarship. red. /Stewart Clegg; Michael Grothe-Hammer; Kathia Serrano Velarde. Leeds : Emerald Group Publishing 2024, s. 85-108 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. vol. 90)
I: Organization Theory, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 3.2024
Paper presented at XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2023
I: Organization, 2023
Paper presented at XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2023
Abingdon : Routledge 2022, 183 s. (CRESC. Culture, Economy and the Social)
Brussels : European Group for Organizational Studies 2022
I: Organization, Vol. 27, Nr. 3, 5.2020, s. 441-453
I: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 12, Nr. 1, 2.2019, s. 36-53
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 19, Nr. 3, 2019, s. 663-670
I: Organization, Vol. 26, Nr. 6, 11.2019, s. 830-852
Paper presented at 35th EGOS Colloquium 2019, 2019
Paper presented at 35th EGOS Colloquium 2019, 2019
Abstract from XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology 2018, 2018
I: Bureaucracy and Society in Transition. red. /Haldor Byrkjeflot; Fredrik Engelstad. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2018, s. 265-285
I: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology , Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2016, s. 6-40
Paper presented at 6th Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies. LEAMOS 2016, 2016
Paper presented at The 2016 Whitlam Workshop, 2016
Paper presented at New Technologies of Government and their Implications for Value, 2016
I: Reclaiming the Public: Working Papers in the Human Rights and Public Life Program. . red. /Anna Yeatman. Sydney : Whitlam Institute. Western Sydney University 2016, s. 57-85 (Working Papers in the Human Rights and Public Life Program, Vol. 3)
I: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 8, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 439-461
Paper presented at Reclaiming the Public, 2015
Abstract from The Second Workshop on the Analysis of Bureaucracy in Society, 2014
I: The Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies. red. /Jenny Helin; Tor Hernes; Daniel Hjorth; Robin Holt. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2014, s. 499-514 (Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management)
Paper presented at XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology 2014, 2014
Paper presented at The 29th EGOS Colloquium 2013, 2013
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2013, 352 s. (PhD series, Nr. 20.2013)
I: Kapitalismens ansigter . red. /Morten Raffnsøe-Møller; Mikkel Thorup; Thomas Vinther Larsen; Ejvind Hansen. Aarhus : Forlaget Philosophia 2012, s. 56-74
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, 2011, s. 97-104
Paper presented at Second International Symposium on Process Organization Studies: PROS 2010 , 2010
I: Foucault Studies, Nr. 7, 2009, s. 99-130
Paper presented at The Critical Management Studies Conference 2009, 2009
Paper presented at Management Philosophy Group Day Conference, 2009
I: Jyllands-Posten, 13.1.2023, s. 33
I: DJØFbladet, Vol. 42, Nr. 9, 13.10.2018, s. 60-61
I: Information, 22.8.2018, s. 16-17
I: Turbulens, Nr. 1, 2009, s. 52-59
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