What are this year’s entry GPA for the programme of your dreams?

CBS has had a small increase in the number of applicants for its programmes compared to last year. We offer the same amount of study places this year, and it has therefore become a bit more difficult to be accepted to some of the programmes. We look very much forward to seeing all the new students at CBS after the summer holidays.


All applications for admission to the bachelor programmes at CBS have been reviewed, and all the new students have just been notified about whether they have been admitted into the programme of their dreams. According to the Head of the Dean’s Office, Education Wilbert van der Meer, competition for the study places in many of our programmes is present again this year. Eight of the programmes require a minimum 10.0 grade point average (GPA) to be admitted through quota 1.

”We have had a small increase in the number of applicants this year. They are at least as qualified as those in the past few years, and it has therefore been a bit more difficult to be admitted into some of the programmes,” Wilbert van der Meer says.

Once again, extremely high entry requirements
The programmes with the highest entry requirements are International Business, which again this year requires 12.2 to get in; International Business and Politics, which requires 11.7; and also the new programme Business Administration and Digital Management is at the top of the list where you need a minimum 10.7 GPA to get in.

“Business Administration and Digital Management is an interesting programme which takes a long view into the future. With more than 1,100 applicants for the new programme, we can establish that many apply for admission into CBS in order to learn how to manage the wave of digitalisation,” Wilbert van der Meer says.

Especially Chinese and mathematics are big draws
In general, the number of applications to CBS has increased this year. First priority applications have increased with one per cent, and the total number of applications has increased with two per cent. It is especially the programmes BSc in International Business in Asia, BSc in Business Administration and Mathematical Business Science and BSc in Business Administration and Organisational Communication which have had more applications compared to last year and an increase in entry requirements.

”We can detect some tendencies. One of them is the fact that we have one third more applicants for  BSc in Business Administration and Management Science indicating that the mathematical proficient young people want to learn how to apply mathematics to solve real problems. Another tendency is a boom in the applicants for International Business in Asia. The programme is a collaboration between CBS and the University of Copenhagen and teach in the Chinese language and culture besides giving insight into international business. The number of applicants demonstrates that young people understand that if they want to make a difference for Danish companies in China, it is a huge benefit to be familiar with the Chinese language,” Head of the Dean’s Office, Education Wilbert van der Meer says.

No vacant places
This year, CBS had 4992 1st priority applicants and a total of 7011 applicants for 2935 study places in all. All places are filled, and there are no vacant places or waiting lists. Unfortunately, CBS has had to reject more than 4000 applicants, including many otherwise qualified persons.

You can find information on study start and this year’s entry requirements here:

I did not get in. What next?

I was admitted. How do I prepare for study start?

View this year’s entry requirements for all programmes

For more information, journalists can contact Head of the Dean’s Office, Education Wilbert van der Meer, or Press Contact.

Great leaps and falls in this year’s entry requirements

BSc in Economics and Business Administration: From 9.1 to 8.5

The programme has been allocated more places this year which together with the reorganisation of standby places to actual study places have caused a decline in the entry requirements.

BSc in Business Administration and Sociology: From 10.7 to 10.1

This decrease does not come as a surprise as the programme’s request for more study places has been met.

BSc in International Business: 12.2

It can be difficult to grasp how an entry requirement can be higher than 12, but you can actually get a 13.7 GPA with A-level course bonus and quick bonus. If quick bonus did not exist, the entry requirement of International Business would have been 11.3.

BSc in European Business: From 9.3 to 10.0

The entry requirement for BSc in European Business has increased while the number of applicants has decreased - how is this possible? Even though there are fewer applicants, the quality of the applicants is significantly higher resulting in a higher entry requirement.

BSc in Business Administration and Service Management: From 8.6 to 9.2

Service Management has three specialisations which each having their own entry requirement, and the official entry requirement is always the highest of the three. It changes from year to year which specialisation has the highest entry requirement, so it is also important to look at the entry requirement for the individual specialisation. 


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020