Take brand new online course in Strategic Management

Earlier this year CBS won Coursera's call to offer online courses in Business Strategy. We are now launching the new course in Strategic Management along with three other interesting online courses (MOOC) in Neuromarketing, Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership in 21st Century Organisations.


It was a suggestion from CBS for an online course in Business Strategy that Coursera chose to include in the launch of new MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) this autumn. In addition to the honour, CBS also received a check for USD 100,000 to cover development costs for the course. The money will therefore be invested in new online courses, so keep an eye on Coursera or CBS's media.

From September CBS will open for access to the online course in Strategic Management with Robert Austen (Professor), Marcus Møller Larsen (Assistant Professor) and Nickolai Progrebniakov (Associate Professor).

The MOOC in Strategic Management is part of Coursera's (and many other MOOC providers') new venture; on-demand online courses. In practical terms, it means that students can take the course at any time and at any pace they wish.
You can read more about CBS's MOOC venture here.

You can also follow three other MOOC from CBS here:
•    Leadership in 21st Century Organisations with Robert Austen and Shannon Hessel
•    Neuromarketing withThomas Ramsøy
•    Social Entrepreneurship with Kai Hockerts and Kristjan Jespersen

This new way of providing courses makes for a more flexible experience for students, because they can adapt the course to their schedules. It will thus be easier to combine their studies with a job, because there will be no overlap between studies and job.

It is a strategic focus area for CBS to strengthen the use of IT in teaching, including increasing the share of 'blended learning' in teaching and learning activities at CBS. Blended learning broadly covers all sorts of combinations of traditional teaching in classrooms and online teaching. The teaching material from the newly developed courses in Strategic Management will also be used for blended learning at CBS.

Read more about Coursera here.

For further information, please contact Jakob Ravn and Annemette Kjærgaard

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017