Students recognised with talent scholarship

The talent and drive of seven CBS students were recently acknowledged by CBS and the Finn Junge-Jensen Scholarship. A common feature for the seven scholarship recipients is that they all put in an extraordinary effort.



Photo: The seven recipients of the Finn Junge-Jensen Scholarship 2018. From left: President Per Holten-Andersen, Dylan Bastved, Sarah Møller Christensen, Martha O’Reilly, Andreas Dahl Jensen, Mette Krogsgaard Schrøder, Esben Vestergaard, Kevin Chen, former president of CBS Finn Junge-Jensen and Chairman of the CBS Scholarship Fund Ole Wiberg.

CBS presents the Finn Junge-Jensen Scholarship, which is worth DKK 100,000, for the fourth year in a row. This year, the scholarship was distributed between seven of more than 200 applications from students at CBS. The scholarship is earmarked for travelling, so that the students can improve their skills during a period of study abroad.

Who has the drive and talent at CBS in 2018?

The scholarship recipients can be found within the categories "Drive" and "Talent". They are all students from CBS, who, besides from having international outlook, either have an apparent academic talent combined with entrepreneurial skills, or make an extraordinary effort for the benefit of CBS.

Sarah Møller Christensen (FSM) and CEMS student Mette Krogsgaard Schrøder (FSM) received a travel scholarship worth DKK 15,000 for the University of Hawaii and Nova in Lisbon. Kevin Chen (AEF) received a scholarship worth DKK 15,000 for an exchange stay at Tsinghua. Dylan Bastved (IMM) received DKK 10,000 for his stay at Willamette University, Oregon, and the three bachelor students Martha O’Reilly (BLC), Andreas Dahl Jensen (BSc EBA) and Esben Vestergaard (IBP) each received DKK 15,000 for their stays at Icade in Madrid, University of Michigan and University of Melbourne. 

Not only were these skilled students acknowledged for being elite students but also because they are engaged in other relevant activities. Activities that span from participating in this year's CBS Case Competition to board duties and working in CBS' student associations. “You contribute to the uniqueness and good study environment of CBS,” said Finn Junge-Jensen, designator of the scholarship.  

A motivating scholarship

The recipients were invited to a reception with champagne and speeches by President Per Holten-Andersen and former recipients of the scholarship. Proud parents and friends also contributed to making this day special to the recipients.

”Say yes” said Julie Lundtoft Jensen, one of last year’s recipients. ”And a world of possibilities will open up for you”. The other recipients agreed and encouraged the new recipients to challenge themselves professionally and culturally and return with a suitcase full of experiences.

The scholarships were presented by the designator of the scholarship Finn Junge-Jensen, former president of CBS and member of the nomination committee. Finn Junge-Jensen gave a personal motivation for each recipient and thanked them for their great commitment to CBS. He encouraged the students to explore the world, commit to both education and society and not least seize the opportunities and make the most of their studies abroad. 


The Finn Junge-Jensen Scholarship

The scholarship is CBS' own and was established in the name of former president Finn Junge-Jensen on his 70th birthday in 2014.

The scholarship is worth DKK 100,000 and is distributed annually to students at CBS in two categories: Drive and Talent

CBS students who are taking a period of study abroad and who have made an extraordinary contribution to CBS, e.g. student activities, particularly commendable efforts and special contributions to the promotion of CBS' vision and mission.

Students in one of CBS' talent programmes; CEMS, GLOBE, EngAGE and Maritime, who have demonstrated entrepreneurial skills and have apparent academic talent.

Apply for the scholarship before 1 May next year
Until 1 May, CBS’ International Office will invite for applications and recommend five applicants for each category to a committee consisting of Finn Junge-Jensen, President Per Holten-Andersen and Ole Wiberg, Chairman of the CBS Scholarship Fund. The committee decides how the scholarship is distributed between the nominees.



The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020