Danish business schools: Savings on education will affect the Danish business community

While the Danish business community is calling for qualified and highly skilled graduates for growth and green transition, the government is in the process of weakening the education of future employees. This is the clear warning from Denmark’s two business schools, Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences (Aarhus BSS).


Foto: Lars Kruse/AU Foto og Bjarke MacCarthy
Dean Thomas Pallesen, Aarhus BSS (left) and President Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, CBS. Photo: Lars Kruse/AU photo and Bjarke MacCarthy

It can have serious consequences for the Danish business community and society at large if the government removes the so-called Rate 1 increase on the education programmes within the humanities and social sciences in the upcoming Finance Act

It will cost the two business schools in Denmark, Copenhagen Business School and Aarhus BSS, around DKK 100 million every year which will affect the quality of our education programmes, says President Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, CBS, and Dean Thomas Pallesen, Aarhus BSS.

”Our students will be the ones to create the green transition and handle the digital transformation - as business leaders and skilled specialists. If they are to solve the huge tasks that we are facing in the years to come, it simply won’t do to weaken the quality of the degree programmes by offering students fewer classes and much less interaction with companies. It just doesn’t make sense,” says Nikolaj Malchow-Møller.

In 2009, a broad majority in the Danish Parliament agreed to increase the so-called taximeter rate for the degree programmes within the humanities and social sciences in recognition of the fact that the area was significantly underfinanced. This imbalance has not changed in the intervening period, the two business schools point out.

“Combined, we educate 35,000 students, who are among the most sought-after graduates in the Danish business community. To put it mildly, it would be very unwise to start weakening the quality of their education,” says Dean Thomas Pallesen from Aarhus BSS.

For more information:
Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, President, CBS, through Charlotte Autzen, Head of the President's Office:
+45 41 85 20 25
Thomas Pallesen, Dean, Aarhus BSS:
+45 20 37 39 32

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/04/2022