Coronavirus update



1 February 2022

  • All restrictions have been lifted ​as of February 1st 2022
  • Cases of infection should ​no longer be reported to CBS​
  • In February all teaching activities will be streamed when possible ​(depending on room), ​and all exams will be held online
  • The canteens have limited opening hours / selections until further notice​​​.

10 September 2021

The Danish authorities have lifted ALL restrictions in Denmark as of 10 September 2021.​ The few restrictions still in place until then do not affect CBS or campus life. CBS has reopened all buildings and both staff and students have free access ​to campus. There are no more restrictions on campus, face masks and social distancing are no longer required. However, CBS will continue to focus on cleaning as well as on good ventilation and hygiene​​.

11 June 2021

The Danish parliament, Folketinget, has agreed on a plan for the phasing-out of the COVID-19 restrictions over the coming months.

At CBS this means that the restrictions will be reduced to normal or to a basic level as on all Danish educational institutions. The basic level means that various cleaning standards, etc, will be maintained. The general advice about how to prevent infection, which focuses on testing, quarantine in the event of symptoms, good ventilation and hygiene, will continue to apply.

Restrictions will be phased-out over time:

As of 14 June:

  • All buildings will reopen with admission and opening hours as normal
  • Students are no longer required to use face masks or face shields
  • It is no longer recommended to maintain a 1–2 meter social distance
  • The physical attendance for staff on campus will be increased to 50%

As of 1 August:

  • Students are no longer required to produce a negative test result when attending
  • CBS will no longer provide a testing facility for staff and students
  • All staff may physically attend the workplace

Read the agreement for the phasing-out of the COVID-19 restrictions over the coming months (in Danish):

Read the press release from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science on how the phasing-out plans affect the universities in Denmark (in Danish):

26 March 2021

Gradual reopening of CBS to begin on 6 April

The 22th March 2021, an agreement on the reopening of Denmark was made. The reopening will take place gradually at two week intervals and adjustments can be made depending on how the infection rates develop.

On 6 April, the universities are allowed to open up for 20% of the students. At CBS, we will mainly focus on opening up for study seats and group work for students. With a distance requirement of 2 metres, the number of study seats will be very limited.

We expect the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to forward further requirements for implementing the reopening plans on 6 April and will inform you as soon as we know the concrete details.
More information for the student segment at

25 February 2021

The current restrictions have been extended until 5 April 2021. Which implies that:

  • All teaching and exam activities, including all written sit-in exams, are converted to online formats.
  • CBS’ campus is closed down, i.e. only employees with key card can access the buildings as in spring and only if they must perform critical functions.
  • The library must be closed to the public with the exception of the returning and borrowing of materials used for research and teaching. Consequently, students and researchers may continue to borrow and return books.

8 December 2020

Infection rates in the capital area and other places of Denmark continue to increase and for this reason the Danish Prime Minister has announced stringent restrictions to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. This means that the universities in the capital area, Odense and Århus close down on Wednesday 9 December 2020 and remain closed until 3 January 2021.
At CBS, this implies that:

  • All teaching and exam activities, including all written sit-in exams, are converted to online formats. For the exams to be as predictable and consistent as possible, all sit-in exams are converted to online formats for the entire winter exam period, including January 2021. As in spring, it is our highest priority to carry out the best possible teaching activities.
  • CBS’ campus is closed down, i.e. only employees with key card can access the buildings as in spring and only if they must perform critical functions.
  • The library must be closed to the public with the exception of the returning and borrowing of materials used for research and teaching. Consequently, students and researchers may continue to borrow and return books.

7 July 2020

CBS campus will reopen on Monday, August 10.

This will happen as a part of phase 4 of the Danish Government's reopening plan.

The distance requirement of 1 meter remains valid, just as the guidelines from 2 July from the Ministry of Education and Research must be followed. Read the guidelines here (in danish).
Some of CBS teaching activities will be online during the fall semester as well.

More information for the student segment at

8 May 2020

Gradual reopening of CBS later in the summer
The agreement about phase 2 of the reopening of Danish society means that staff and students at CBS must continue to work and study from home.
The agreement that the full Folketing has just reached regarding the reopening of large sections of society only covers the activities of the universities (PDF icon read agreement - in Danish only) to a very limited extent. Politicians have given priority to education over research and have decided that for educational institutions it will broadly speaking become possible to conduct teaching and exams in such cases where physical attendance is a requirement.

- At CBS, we are in a situation that we can conduct courses and exams without having to physically access campus. Our activities are therefore not affected by the new agreement, and we therefore stick to the decision that teaching and exams at CBS take place online for the rest of the semester, says Rector Nikolaj Malchow Møller.

In the slightly longer term
As part of the new plan for reopening, it also appears that there will be a gradual reopening of an increasing amount of activities at the universities over the summer. For instance, research activities that require campus presence can hopefully be restarted in June. Other activities require more patience and will not be considered before the so-called 4th phase of the reopening plan in August. The government continues to emphasize though, that the longer-term plans for a further reopening of the universities will depend on the spread of corona-infections remaining under control until that time.

- I know many have looked forward to coming back to campus soon. I am also aware that our educational and research activities will be affected by us having to wait even longer to re-open the campus for our staff and students. But under these given conditions, I hope that you will take care of both yourself and each other and too of course also take good care of CBS, so that we can all return in the best possible way later in the year, says Nikolaj Malchow-Møller.

18 April 2020

CBS' activities not yet part of the gradual reopening of Denmark

Gradually, Danish society has been reopening since the Easter break and last Friday the reopening was expanded to also include some of the universities’ activities. The Danish government has made an agreement to expand the first phase of the controlled reopening of society (in Danish only) with the other political parties of the Folketing.

Among other things, the agreement entails a partial reopening of research labs for researchers and students, helping them to continue and complete postdoc or PhD programmes and continue research experiments and projects which otherwise would have been lost.

Consequently, the agreement will not affect CBS' activities and campus will remain closed until and including 10 May. In any case, a gradual reopening of CBS’ campus will not affect teaching and exam activities which will take place online for the rest of the semester.

- As far as the reopening of campus in terms of other activities is concerned, we continue to follow the recommendations of the authorities. Universities Denmark has a constructive dialogue with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science on how to best approach the gradual reopening of the universities and we fully appreciate that other parts of the sector have more acute needs than CBS, says Kirsten Winther Jørgensen, University Director.

6 April 2020

The lockdown of CBS' campus continues up to and including 10 May 2020

Read the press release from the government (in Danish)

23 March 2020

Campus is closed up to and including 13 April
The Danish government has extended the lockdown of all educational institutions and all students have to stay home to minimize the spreading of the corona virus. CBS campus is closed through to Monday 13 April until further notice. 

Read the press release from the government (in Danish)

14 March 2020

Recall of students and staff
Yesterday evening the Ministry of Higher Education and Research asked the universities to recall students and staff from abroad following recommendations from the Foreign Ministry. If staff or students, however, are permanently residing abroad, they are advised to stay abroad.

As of today, the Danish borders will be closed. Only Danish citizens or travelers with a creditable purpose will be let in, both work and study are defined as creditable purposes.
Read the Foreign Ministry’s recommendation here.

11 March 2020, 23:30

CBS closes campus

On Wednesday evening the Danish government issued a physical lockdown of all educational institutions in the country to avoid the spreading of the coronavirus. Consequently, all students are to stay home as CBS’ campus will close down immediately and stay closed from Thursday morning 12 March - Friday 27 March until further notice. CBS’ research and teaching activities will continue online to the greatest possible extent. All students and employees must check their e-mails for more information and stay updated on and CBSShare.

Please also read the press release from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science (press release in Danish)

11 March 2020, 14:20

Another student has been tested and diagnosed with COVID-19 and has been placed in home quarantine. This brings the total of cases of coronavirus among CBS students to three.

In connection with the latest case, the Danish Patient Safety Authority has asked all students who are in the same class as the contaminated student to self-quarantine at home as a precaution. In total, that class comprises 104 students, and they have all been contacted by email.

Teaching and research activities will commence at CBS to the extent possible, and we are gradually arranging for online-based teaching. We urge everyone to follow the official guidelines on hygiene and conduct as recommended by the authorities. CBS students who have questions may write to

11 March 2020

CBS continues to encourage staff and students to follow all recommendations from the Danish health authorities. Currently, CBS is working to prevent the transmission of disease while offering teaching online wherever possible.

In addition, CBS has initiated the following:

  • Teaching activities with more than 200 students will from Wednesday 11 March take place online. In fact, a larger part of CBS' teaching activities will gradually take place online. We will begin with the largest classroom teaching activities and continue with the small classrooms.
  • In some cases, teaching activities with less than 200 students will be moved to larger classrooms in order to increase the distance between the students.
  • Only every other study seat at CBS’ libraries can be used and booked.
  • The CBS Annual Celebration 2020 scheduled for 20 March has been cancelled and student events at Nexus every Thursday (torsdagsbar) have been cancelled until the end of March.
  • Business trips and study trips are suspended. In exceptional cases, such trips can be carried out and booked if they are business critical. The same conditions will apply to visits from abroad.
  • In principle, all events will be cancelled, however, in exceptional cases business critical events can be carried out. No events whatsoever will be carried out in the common areas. Please note that the above mentioned events do not include teaching activities.

Kind regards,
University Director Kirsten Winther Jørgensen

9 March 2020

In the weekend CBS has been contacted by two students who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 after returning from skiing trips to Northern Italy. Therefore CBS has contacted the Danish health authorities (the Danish Patient Safety Authority) who have taken the necessary precautions. The individuals who have been in contact with the students on campus have been identified and as a result three individuals from CBS have been placed in precautionary quarantine at home.

The health authorities have informed us that CBS should take no further action in relation to these two specific cases of COVID-19, however, CBS will continue to follow the development of the coronavirus in Denmark closely and comply with the recommendations of the authorities. This also means that activities at CBS are subject to change.

We still recommend that everyone follow the guidelines from the health authorities and stay updated on (mostly in Danish).

We also encourage that staff stay updated on CBSShare and students on which is updated continuously.

Kind regards,
University Director Kirsten Winther Jørgensen

6 March 2020

On Friday 6 March, the Danish Health Authority has made further recommendations regarding the coronavirus. In its latest update, The Danish Health Authority has elevated its risk assessment from ‘moderate’ to ‘high’

For this reason, the Danish authorities recommend cancellation or postponement of events hosting more than 1000 participants. In addition, events with fewer participants must have informative signage with hygiene advice, access to proper hygiene (sanitizer/wet tissues) and the possibility of keeping one’s distance. CBS has decided that these recommendations must be followed.

You can help prevent infection, protect yourself and others by:

  • Keeping good hand hygiene; wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer
  • Coughing or sneezing into your sleeve – not your hands
  • Avoiding shaking hands, kissing on the cheek and hugging – limit physical contact
  • Being attentive to cleaning – at home and in the workplace
  • Being attentive in places with many people

CBS is currently mapping its own activities in relation to the latest recommendation on events and kindly asks employees and students at CBS to follow the above guidelines.



Yesterday evening, the Danish Health Authority has increased preparedness and made further recommendations regarding the coronavirus. The Danish authorities now recommend that everyone who has arrived in Denmark after 2 March 2020 from a country with widespread transmission of the coronavirus stay home for 14 days after arriving. 

Currently, these countries include China (excl. Hong Kong), South Korea (the province Gyeongbuk and the city Daegu), Iran and Italy (the regions Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Piemonte, Veneto).

All students and employees at CBS must follow these recommendations.


Denmark has now seen more cases of the coronavirus. CBS follows the instructions of the Danish Health Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

CBS will continue teaching and other on-campus activities as usual. As of today there will be posters on campus with information about prevention and extra hand sanitizers.

CBS follows any developments closely and will post changes and updates on CBSShare, and


CBS is monitoring the situation in Asia and elsewhere closely. The safety of our students is our top priority. We fully understand that our students and their relatives may be worried about the possibility that the coronavirus may influence their current or future exchange semester.

In situations like this, CBS always follows the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ travel guidelines, and updates from the Danish Health Authorities. Additionally, CBS is in close contact and dialogue with our trusted partner institutions in the affected areas.

Students are at all times encouraged to follow the advice, travel information and any travel restrictions from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Danish Health Authorities, local health authorities and partner institution guidelines.

You can find the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ travel guidelines here (in Danish)

You can find Q&A and guidelines from the Danish Health Authorities here:
In Danish and in English

CBS will inform all students directly if any immediate action is needed, and will inform parents indirectly via

Currently (12 February 2020), only exchange at Chinese universities is affected and paused by the coronavirus.

Students in the International Business Asia programme are offered an alternative spring semester at the campus in Frederiksberg and not in Beijing, expected to start on 1 March 2020. The International Office will do its utmost to accommodate the opportunity for a later exchange semester in China for those interested.
For more information on the coronavirus and exchange, please contact Director of the International Office Niels Henrik Larsen:


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/14/2022