CBS President: Stop deportation of Gerardo

CBS urges minister to find a way to solve the deportation case against a Danish-speaking model student from Venezuela. According to CBS President Per Holten-Andersen the case harms the ability of Danish industry and commerce to recruit international talent.


CBS President Per Holten-Andersen describes the authorities’ decision to deport a Danish-speaking model student from Venezuela who is paying for his own education as unfair to Gerardo José Lopez Rodriguez and harmful to Danish industry and commerce. His crime? Gerardo worked a few too many hours per week for a limited period. The president of CBS urges the minister and authorities to find a way to stop his deportation.

- It seems unwarranted that such a small violation of a highly complex set of rules would have such dramatic consequences for Gerardo. The minister announced that the rules will be changed, which means it can and must be possible to find an immediate solution for people caught in such difficulties, emphasises Holten-Andersen.

Gerardo is a graduate student studying diversity and change management at CBS and was on the verge of starting an internship at Siemens. Instead of being granted permission to do the internship, the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration revoked Gerardo's residence permit because he had worked more than 20 hours a week over a period of four months at his student job.

- Gerardo is a smart, dedicated student who has already benefited Denmark. We are also convinced that he will continue to do so in the future. Gerardo’s deportation is tragic not just for him and his Danish girlfriend but also for Danish industry and commerce, declares Holten-Andersen.

CBS works to help meet Danish industry and commerce’s need for highly skilled workers from around the world. In this case, not even at the expense of taxpayers. CBS would like to continue to do this, explains the president of CBS, but finding talented people will be more difficult unless Gerardo’s case has been dealt with in a sensible way:

- The problem is that stories like this spread among young people. Potential candidates can easily be left with the impression that the quality of education is excellent and worthwhile paying for, that there are attractive job opportunities but that coming to Denmark is far too risky because you can suddenly be thrown out without notice if you make a mistake. Something simply needs to be done differently, stresses CBS President Per Holten-Andersen.

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