CBS in May

How can we rethink diversity and inclusion in organisations? What does slavery look like in India, and what are the obligations of international brands in relation to slavery? Visit CBS in May for a lot of exciting events.


phd event
Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Attend a PhD information meeting

Thursday 2 May 2019, 16:00-17:15, Solbjerg Plads 3, room SP D4.20, 2000 Frederiksberg

The Department of Operations Management invites to a PhD information meeting, where you can hear more about which subject areas you can write a PhD in, life as a PhD student at CBS and future career opportunities. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the meeting.

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Send an e-mail to to register for the PhD information meeting by 30 April.

Photo: CSE

CSE StartUp Friday: Ethics in Technology

Friday 3 May 2019, 16:00-21:00, CSE, Porcelænshaven 26, 2nd floor

Considering that "Technology doesn't police itself" as a starting point, we will on this occasion welcome three speakers who will examine the Ethics of Technology from different perspectives.

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Register for the official Facebook event here

Photo: Shutterstock

Corporate taxation of the future

Wednesday 8 May 2019, 15:00-17:00, Solbjerg Plads 3, auditorium SPs07, 2000 Frederiksberg

CBS, The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and The University of Leeds in England will hold a seminar on corporate taxation of the future in a globalised and digitalised world. Professor Rita de la Feria at The University of Leeds will talk about how the challenges of aggressive tax planning across borders can be eliminated.

Henrik Meldgaard, Tax Director at Rambøll, and Sune Hein Bertelsen, Leading Senior Tax Policy Adviser at the Confederation of Danish Industry, will also put some of the alternative solutions presented during the day into a practical corporate perspective.

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Send an e-mail to to register no later than 3 May

Photo: Jakob Boserup

Attend an information meeting on CBS’ Executive MBA-program

Thursday 9 May 2019, 17:00-19:00, Porcelænshaven 22, Råvarebygningen, 2000 Frederiksberg

Are you interested in further management education? And what is it like to be an MBA student at CBS? On Thursday 9 May 2019, you can learn more about CBS’ Executive MBA. You can listen to the experience of former MBA students and meet lecturers and Jesper Rangvid, Professor and Associate Dean of the Executive MBA.

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Sign up here

Photo: Shutterstock

Diversity and inclusion on organisations

Monday 13 May 2019, 08:00 – Tuesday 14 May 2019, 16:00, Dalgas Have 15, room D1V089 and DSV089, 2000 Frederiksberg

On 13-14 May, the Diversity and Difference platform will hold a workshop on leadership, diversity and inclusion. During the two-day workshop, the participants will rethink diversity and inclusion in organisations.

Professor Jo Brewis at The Open University in England will give a presentation titled: Menopause and workplace: For an intersectionel approach. Professors Dorthe Staunæs from Aarhus University and Anders Neergaard from Linköping University in Sweden will also give a lecture on leadership and inclusion.

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Photo: Institutional Partner Manager: Thomson Reuters foundation.

Workshop to place focus on slavery in India

Monday 13 May 2019, 13:30-17:00, Dalgas Have 15, auditorium SC033, 2000 Frederiksberg

What does slavery in India look like today? What are the legal and commercial risks for international brands and Indian companies, and what are their obligations? You are invited to participate in this workshop, which has been organised by Thomson Reuters Foundation, C&A Foundation and CBS.

You can meet Dr Tina Kuriakose from International Justice Mission, Madhurima Singh from DHURI and business and human rights specialist Rishi Sher Singh, who will share their experiences and approaches within the field for your inspiration.

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Send an e-mail to to register before 10 May.

Photo: Shutterstock

Election debate at CBS

Monday 13 May 2019, 15:00-16:30, Kiln Hall, Porcelænshaven 20, 2000 Frederiksberg

The next European Parliament elections take place at the end of May. The Danish candidates will visit CBS for a debate on the EU, including economy, migration and social mobility.

The speakers include Niels Fuglsang, The Danish Social Democrats, Morten Løkkegaard, Venstre - The Liberal Party of Denmark, Mette Bock, The Liberal Alliance, Susanna Dyre-Greensite, People's Movement against the EU, Morten Helveg Petersen, Danish Social Liberal Party, and Kuzma Pavlov Jensen, The Conservative People’s Party.

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Photo: Eksport via online markedspladser

Meet Wayfair, Newegg and other online marketplaces

Monday 20 May 2019, 9:00-13:00, Stig Lommers Plads 2, 2000 Frederiksberg

Global online marketplaces (GOMP’s), who makes it possible to sell goods via Amazon, eBay and Alibaba, have become extremely popular. Now you have the chance to meet Wayfair, Newegg, eBay and many more. Gain insight into their competences and learn more about the importance of being represented on several marketplaces. It is possible to establish an individual dialogue with the largest online marketplaces.

Read more and sign up here

Photo: Shutterstock

Hear more about the future development of Danish pension

Monday 22 May 2019, 8:30-18:15, Solbjerg Plads 3, SP202, 2000 Frederiksberg

Again this year, The Pension Research Centre (PeRCent) invites to a conference on pension, the future development of the retirement age and the impact on public finances.

A panel will discuss the current political proposals in relation to the life expectancies of various socio-economic groups. The panel will consist of representatives of The Confederation of Danish Industry, The Danish Trade Union Confederation, The Danish Economic Councils, and Insurance & Pension Denmark.

The keynote speaker is David Laibson from Harvard University, USA.

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Register here

Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Participate in the PhD in Accounting Information Meeting

Wednesday 22 May 2019, 17:00-19:30, Solbjerg Plads 3, D4.39, 2000 Frederiksberg

Are you interested in pursuing a PhD in Accounting? Then join us for an information meeting to find out what it is like to be a PhD student at the Department of Accounting, in which areas Department of Accounting is recruiting and what you can do with your PhD degree afterwards.

Read more and sign up to the event right here (deadline May 17 at 12:00).


TaxTalk on extraordinary reopenings of tax cases

Thursday 23 May 2019, 16:00-18:30, Solbjerg Plads 3, SP202, 2000 Frederiksberg

Are citizens and tax authorities provided with equal opportunities to reopen a case extraordinarily in the case of an error? The theme of this year’s TaxTalk is ”Extraordinary reopenings”.
This network event, which is hosted by the Master in Tax programme will test common practice and discuss the following questions: What is gross negligence and special circumstances in relation to reopening a case? And have the intentions of the rules made by the committee that sets the deadlines been realised?

The speakers list includes:

  • Hanne M. Christensen, Chief Consultant, Master of Law, The Danish Tax Department – teaches tax control and tax criminal law on the Master in Tax.
  • Martin Nors Hansen, Senior Tax Manager, Master of Law,  Revitax A/S – Course Coordinator of Master in Tax, teaches tax and duties process and tax control and tax criminal law.
  • Poul Bostrup, Presiding Judge of the National Tax Tribunal, Master of Law, – teaches tax and duties process on the Master in Tax programme.
  • Eduardo Vistisen, Attorney, Vistisen Falk Winther

TaxTalk is a free afternoon event. Feel free to invite interested colleagues and fellow students.

Register here

Photo: Shutterstock

Mini conference: Democratic Implications of Online Business Models

Tuesday 28 May 2019, 14:00-18:30, Porcelænshaven 26, room 408, 2000 Frederiksberg

This mini conference will focus on the democratic implications of online business models and whether research can save democracy? The conference falls into two parts.
The first module is about online business models, democratic implications and the role of research. Rikke Frank Jørgensen from the Danish Institute for Human Rights will go into fundamental rights in a modern information society.
The second module will be about how research can contribute to saving democracy.

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Send an e-mail to to register no later than 20 May

PhD defence:

Frederik Ørnsholt Regli: ”Essays on Crude Oil Tanker Markets”.
Monday 6 May 2019, 13:00-15:00, Solbjerg Plads 3, SPs12, 2000 Frederiksberg

The thesis is looking into freight rates, which have been an area of interest to the maritime economists since the significant work of Tinbergens (1931) and Koopmans (1939).
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Cancan Wang: “Becoming Adaptive through Social Media - Transforming Governance and Organizational Form in Collaborative E-government”.
Tuesday 7 May 2019, 13:00-15:00, Kilevej 14A, Ks71, 2000 Frederiksberg

This thesis contributes to the understanding of the joint development of governance and the organisational form of collaborative e-government through social media. The thesis is based on four case studies on collaborative e-government in China.
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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019