CBS in July

July generally means summer holiday for many of us. However, you will still be able to attend interesting events at CBS. Which relations exist between economy and religion? What does the philanthropy of tomorrow look like? These are some of the questions that will be discussed at CBS in July.


The Annual Colloquium of European Group of Organizational Studies
CBS is going to host the largest conference in its 100 year’s history. Around 2,200 organisations and management scholars will reflect on the theme ‘The Good Organization: Aspirations, Interventions, Struggles’. Activities during the conference include keynotes, sub-plenary sessions and parallel subtheme sessions. In addition, social events and parties will take place on CBS as part of the conference.

Read more about the conference

Time and place:
Thursday 6 July 09:00 – Saturday 8 July 13:00, Solbjerg Plads 3 2000 Frederiksberg

The event will be in English.

Business and Society: From Responsibility to Governance
On 5 July, leading researchers and practitioners in the field of Business and Society go together to celebrate CBS’ centenary.  On this occasion, CBS holds the event ’Business and Society: From responsibility to governance’. The focus of the event will be to discuss a shift from responsibility to governance as the key concept in the business-society relationship.

(The event is closed for registration)

Read more about the event

Money, markets and the sacred: International perspectives on economic theology
It is said economic growth is the last remaining God who is accepted in Western societies, but is it really true that capitalism has turned into a secular religion? How do religions moralise the economy? These are some of the questions which will be debated when the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy holds a three-day workshop about international perspectives on economic theology. There will also be a broader discussion of what kind of economy we want to live in.

See the full programme

Read more about the workshop

The event is open, but registration is a prerequisite. 

Time and place:
Saturday 8 July at 13:00 – Monday 10 July at 13:00

Philanthropy: Hybridity and alternative forms of organizing
Come and join the European Research Network on Philanthropy’s (ERNOP) 8th International Conference at CBS. Scholars from various disciplines will discuss the answers to questions about the philanthropy of today and generate new questions about the philanthropy of tomorrow.

Contact for registration.

Time and place:
Wednesday 12 July – Friday 14 July

The event will be in English.

Read more about the conference

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019