CBS in 2016: Extraordinary number of graduates

The 2016 Annual Report has now been released. A historic number of degrees were awarded, and the completion of CBS’ revised strategy strengthened its position as a broad, interdisciplinary business school.


CBS’ biggest contribution to society is research and research-based education. In light of this 2016 was a great year. Researchers’ efforts are reflected in excellent rankings and strong publications, while education had an outstanding year, with 4,379 ambitious, well-qualified people graduating with a master degree. This is a historic achievement for CBS. In 2015 the number of master degrees awarded was 2,328, the largest amount given to date at that time. This development is the result of the study progress reform and initiatives set in motion by CBS to support student progress. The unusually high number of graduates also means that, in 2016, CBS had an extraordinarily high one-time income derived from performance-based education funding, significantly improving the year’s results in relation to budget assumptions. In this regard it should be pointed out that the surplus for the year is based on disposable and accrued income, which means that it does not represent a permanent improvement in CBS’ revenue level.
CBS also improved its position in 2016 with a revised strategy. In the coming years three transformational initiatives in particular will be in focus:

  • CBS will train students to have an entrepreneurial, innovative mindset and will position itself as a significant player in Europe with a social science and business economics approach to entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Degree programmes will develop the individual student, allowing them to reach their full potential. CBS degree programmes must live up to the highest international standards and be practice oriented, as well as transparent for both students and external stakeholders.
  • Through dialogue and collaboration with the private and public sectors CBS will contribute to the positive development of society.

In addition to being a financially satisfactory year, private donors showed increased interest in research and the majority of the goals in the development contract were met:

  • Despite an expected loss of 20 million Danish kroner, the year ended with a 45 million kroner profit – primarily due to an extraordinary 21.5 million kroner grant from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and especially as a result of the particularly high performance-based subsidy. This was triggered by the high number of graduates, leading to revenue of approximately 42 million kroner more than originally expected.
  • This outcome will provide greater economic latitude in the coming years, where CBS expects a structural decline in revenue from the state. The level is not in keeping with the aim of further enhancing the quality of education through increased interaction between researchers and students. The basic research grant per student full-time equivalent is, for instance, the lowest among Danish universities and CBS generally receives the lowest performance-based funding rate for its degree programmes.
  • CBS researchers attracted 123 million kroner from external sources in 2016 for research. This amount is higher than in 2014 and 2015 and on the same level as 2013. The growing interest of private donors positively indicates that CBS’ Business in Society strategy is having an impact.
  • CBS has met 11 of the 14 measuring points in its development contract with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Three points have not been met.

Complete 2016 Annual Report.

For more information about the Annual Report, contact communications.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020