Election event on circular economy

Denmark is facing a parliamentary election in the spring of 2019 and therefore CBS Circularity has invited a panel of politicians and representatives from the business community to discuss political ambitions for circular economy and what it means for Danish companies. You can also participate in the event on March 12, 2019 from 15-17 at Solbjerg Plads 3, 2nd floor. Please note that the event will be in Danish.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 15:00 to 17:00

Danish politicians see merit in circular economy and in the autumn of 2018 the government published a strategy for circular economy. The strategy points out specific initiatives for Danish companies and public institutions.

Circular economy is about creating economic growth without increasing the consumption of the world's raw materials. We achieve this by rethinking the way we design, buy, consume and recycle materials. By recirculating and recycling materials throughout the entire value chain, the lifespan of the resources in the value chain can be increased and the raw material consumption reduced. In this way, circular economy opens up for new business models, forms of cooperation and supply opportunities.

Several national and international institutions have already made circular economy part of their everyday lives. It is not only good for the economy, it is also necessary for achieving global and national sustainable development goals. The only question is how it is translated into action in Denmark and what obstacles exist.

The panel consists of politicians;
Ida Auken (RV)
Anders Johansson (KF)
Mette Reissmann (S)

And business representatives;
Anders Bering, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Carlsberg Group & Carlsberg Denmark
Signe Frese, CSR Director, Coop
Karin Klitgaard, Director of Environmental Policy, Confederation of Danish Industry

15.00: Check-in and light snacks
15.30: Welcome and introduction to today's three topics on circular economy by Jesper Clement, Associate Professor, CBS Circularity
15.40: Circular economy in Danish industry, by Karin Klitgaard, Director of Environmental Policy, Confederation of Danish Industry
15.50: Presentation of the panel
15.55 - 16.55: Panel discussion of the three topics;
1st topic: What political tools can be used to create incentives for circular economy and resource recycling?
2nd topic: How can politicians support companies to achieve current and future EU recycling and circular economy goals?
3rd topic: What to do with the initiatives of the national post-election strategy - how do we get there?
16.55: Quick recap and thanks for today.

The host of the event is CBS Circularity. CBS Circularity is a newly created think tank focusing on the transition to a circular economy.

CBS Circularity consists of:
Associate Professor Jesper Clement,
Associate Professor Steen Vallentin,
PhD Fellow Sönnich Dahl Sönnichsen,
Professor Esben Rahbek Gjerdum Pedersen,
Center Manager CBSCSR Sarah Netter

Would you like to know more about CBS Circularity, please contact cbs.circularity@cbs.dk or mkl@circulartransition.com

The event is for everyone and it is free to participate. You can sign up here.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019