Throughout his professional career, Claus has been interested in how best to teach economics to students. This has shaped his work as a subject consultant in the Ministry of Education and my work as a teacher at CBS, high schools and academies.
- Experience in project management through interdisciplinary collaboration
- Currently conducting a study of how bank advisors incorporate and use green solutions in their banking advice
- Another current study is a casestudy in the understanding of new technology, social benefits and the workers attitude towards the tecnological solutions.
- Responsible for conducting development conversations and courses as part of colleague competency development.
- A significant ministerial project on the development and implementation of Career Competence, which formed the basis for including career competence in the high school reform.
- Conducted master classes with cultural organizations (The Royal Theater) and the University of Copenhagen, as well as legal-economic advisory firms.
- Responsible for strategic development, implementation, and composition of study programs.
- Consultation and guidance in the long-term process of developing the high school's reputation, student enrollment, and educational effectiveness.
- Operationalization of theoretical pedagogical models.
- Introduced high-level theoretical pedagogical concepts to colleagues who did not have a theoretical pedagogical background.
- Worked with teachers who were struggling with didactics, achieving success in most cases, but occasionally having to end a collaboration.
- Completed courses in the civil servant element of the teaching role.
Claus took the initiative to write the book “economics and didactics” in Danish “Merkantil fagdidaktik”. Together with professor Helle Mathiasen he has published 4 reports on teaching and collaboration using IT.
Together with “institut for naturfagenes didaktik” at KU Claus has also published 3 reports on teaching/education and social heritage.
Claus supervises in business projects. He teaches microeconomics, statistics, macroeconomics, business economics, strategy, economic methodology, and the didactics of economic education.