CBS Sustainability at Green Week: Lecture on Circular Economy
Is circular economy the solution to our broken consumption system?
iokos Copenhagen has invited Steen Vallentin to join and comment on the topic of circular economy organized in collaboration with the Simple Very Simple, during the event chain under Green Week at CBS.
The lecture will delve into the topic of circular economy model both from an academic and from a business point of view. First Steen Vallentin, Associate Professor here at CBS and co-director of CBS Sustainability, will provide us with academic insights on circular economy. Afterwards Kristoffer Hvidsteen will join us to explain how he brought circular economy to life in his very own circular white goods company called Simple Very Simple.
If you already want to check out the concept of circular economy before our GW event you can find some information here.
Kristoffer Hvidsteen
Steen Vallentin
SP201 Danske Bank Auditorium, CBS
Registration is free, but sign up for a ticket to secure your spot through the link above.