Special issue on liquid biofuels in Environment and Planning A

Stefano Ponte has co-edited a special issue of Environment and Planning A (a journal included in the Financial Times 45 list) on The Imaginaries and Governance of ‘Biofueled Futures' . The special issue focuses on liquid biofuels and how the biofuel sector has aligned the vision of its future potential within prevailing forms and practices of governance.

Stefano Ponte and Kean Birch (eds) (2014) “The Imaginaries and Governance of ‘Biofueled Futures’,” Environment and Planning A, Vol. 46, No. 2.
Since the 1990s, governments in both the global North and South have been heavily promoting liquid biofuels and enacting policies as a result of concerns related to climate change mitigation, energy security, and rural development. Liquid biofuels have been portrayed as an attractive technological pathway because they can address disparate problems at once without fundamentally altering prevailing energy consumption practices. In this special issue, we examine how the biofuel sector aligned the future visions or promises of liquid biofuels within prevailing forms and practices of governance. The papers engage with these processes in systematically important countries and regions for biofuel production and consumption (e.g. Brazil, the USA, the EU) but also in emerging economies that are the testing ground for ‘poverty’ and ‘equity’ justifications for developing future biofuel sectors (South Africa, India).
Articles in this special issue
Authors Articles
Les Levidow, Theo Papaioannou UK biofuel policy: envisaging sustainable biofuels, shaping institutions and futures
Shishusri Pradhan, Shaun Ruysenaar Burning desires: untangling and interpreting ‘pro-poor’ biofuel policy processes in India and South Africa
Sean Gillon Science in carbon economies: debating what counts in US biofuel governance
James R Palmer Biofuels and the politics of land-use change: tracing the interactions of discourse and place in European policy making
Stefano Ponte The evolutionary dynamics of biofuel value chains: from unipolar and government-driven to multipolar governance



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