Department of Business Humanities and Law
Lita Sander
Professor emeritus

Publications sorted by:
Lita Sander Lundquist; Helene Dyrbye / Danish Humour : Sink or Swim.
2.ed.Hellerup : Books on Demand 2023, 214 p.
2.ed.Hellerup : Books on Demand 2023, 214 p.
Irène Baron; Lita Sander Lundquist / Les Danois sont-ils des incompris?
In: Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 55, No. Supplement 1, 2023, p. 147-167
In: Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 55, No. Supplement 1, 2023, p. 147-167
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Nordic Humour : A Question of Humour Socialisation?.
In: Nordlit, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2023
In: Nordlit, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2023
Journal article > peer review
Irène Baron; Lita Sander Lundquist; Henrik Høeg Müller / Préface
In: Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 55, No. sup1, 2023, 13 p., p. 1-13
In: Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 55, No. sup1, 2023, 13 p., p. 1-13
Editorial > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist; Helene Dyrbye / Danish Humour : Sink or Swim.
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2022
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2022
Lita Lundquist / Humour Socialisation : Why the Danes are Not as Funny as They Think They are.
In: Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication, Vol. 12, 2021, p. 32-47
In: Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication, Vol. 12, 2021, p. 32-47
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Humor er en sjov størrelse
In: Mål og Mæle, No. 41, 2020, p. 17-23
In: Mål og Mæle, No. 41, 2020, p. 17-23
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Humorsocialisering : Hvorfor er danskerne (ikke) så sjove (som de selv tror)?.
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2020, 209 p.
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2020, 209 p.
Lita Lundquist / Le lexème humour en français et humor en danois : Culture, cognition et typologie lexicale.
In: Le lexique et ses implications: Entre typologie, cognition et culture. . ed. /Irène Baron; Louis Begioni; Michael Herslund; Alvaro Rocchetti. Paris : Armand Colin 2019, p. 103-116 (Langages: Revue internationale des sciences du langage, No. 214/2019)
In: Le lexique et ses implications: Entre typologie, cognition et culture. . ed. /Irène Baron; Louis Begioni; Michael Herslund; Alvaro Rocchetti. Paris : Armand Colin 2019, p. 103-116 (Langages: Revue internationale des sciences du langage, No. 214/2019)
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Lundquist; Magali Gravier / You Have Got to Be Joking! : A Study of Humour in the Political Context of the European Parliament.
In: Humor, Education and Art / El humor, la educación y el arte. ed. /Jacqueline Benavides Delgado. Bogota : Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia 2019, p. 99-128
In: Humor, Education and Art / El humor, la educación y el arte. ed. /Jacqueline Benavides Delgado. Bogota : Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia 2019, p. 99-128
Book chapter
Lita Sander Lundquist / Approche procédurale de la lecture : Catégories flottantes et unités élastiques.
In: Semiotica, No. 223, 7.2018, p. 141-152
In: Semiotica, No. 223, 7.2018, p. 141-152
Journal article > peer review
Lita Lundquist / 40 ans de linguistique textuelle et didactisation du français langue étrangère
In: Pratiques, No. 169-170, 2016
In: Pratiques, No. 169-170, 2016
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Sprog og disembodiment : Simultantolkning af humor i Europaparlamentet.
In: Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication, No. Special issue 1, 5.2016, p. 57-73
In: Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication, No. Special issue 1, 5.2016, p. 57-73
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Danish Humor in Cross-Cultural Professional Settings : Linguistic and Social Aspects.
In: Humor: International journal of humor research, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2014, p. 141-163
In: Humor: International journal of humor research, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2014, p. 141-163
Journal article > peer review
Lita Lundquist / La didactisation du français langue étrangère : Discours, genre et type de texte. Classification mise a jour.
In: Genres et Textes: Déterminations, évolutions, confrontations. . ed. /Michèle Monte ; Gilles Philippe. Lyon : Presses universitaires de Lyon 2014, p. 287-296 (Textes et langue)
In: Genres et Textes: Déterminations, évolutions, confrontations. . ed. /Michèle Monte ; Gilles Philippe. Lyon : Presses universitaires de Lyon 2014, p. 287-296 (Textes et langue)
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Pragmatic Danes and Cartesian French : Language and Culture, Text and Cognition.
In: Tra Romanistica e Germanistica. Lingua, testo, cognizione e cultura: Between Romance and Germanic. Language, Text, Cognition and Culture. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Angela Ferrari; Anna-Maria De Cesare. Bern : Peter Lang 2014, p. 315-334
In: Tra Romanistica e Germanistica. Lingua, testo, cognizione e cultura: Between Romance and Germanic. Language, Text, Cognition and Culture. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Angela Ferrari; Anna-Maria De Cesare. Bern : Peter Lang 2014, p. 315-334
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / L'humour danois confronté aux autres
In: Frontières de l'humour. ed. /María Dolors Vivero García. Paris : L'Harmattan 2013, p. 191-207 (Sémantiques)
In: Frontières de l'humour. ed. /María Dolors Vivero García. Paris : L'Harmattan 2013, p. 191-207 (Sémantiques)
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Le discours rapporté et ses marques : Des réflexions théoriques et didactiques à la mise en application sur la plateforme NaviLire.
In: Le discours rapporté: Approches linguistiques et perspectives didactiques. . ed. /Cécile Desoutter; Caroline Mellet. Bern : Peter Lang 2013, p. 9-22 (Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication, Vol. 178)
In: Le discours rapporté: Approches linguistiques et perspectives didactiques. . ed. /Cécile Desoutter; Caroline Mellet. Bern : Peter Lang 2013, p. 9-22 (Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication, Vol. 178)
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Lundquist; Javier Couto; Jean-Luc Minel / La navigation discursive : Anaphore résomptive et mouvement discursif.
In: L'Analyse du discours dans la société: Engagement du chercheur et demande sociale. . ed. /Frédéric Pugniére-Saavedra; Frédérique Sitri; Marie Veinard. Paris : Honoré Champion 2012, p. 347-365 (Colloques, congrès et conférences. Sciences du Langage, histoire de la langue et des dictionnaires)
In: L'Analyse du discours dans la société: Engagement du chercheur et demande sociale. . ed. /Frédéric Pugniére-Saavedra; Frédérique Sitri; Marie Veinard. Paris : Honoré Champion 2012, p. 347-365 (Colloques, congrès et conférences. Sciences du Langage, histoire de la langue et des dictionnaires)
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Lundquist / Du discours rapporté à l’ironie comme mention : Ou : comment tester les limites de NaviLire.
Abstract from Le Discours Rapporté et ses marques : perspectives théoriques et didactiques, 2011
Abstract from Le Discours Rapporté et ses marques : perspectives théoriques et didactiques, 2011
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Magali Gravier; Lita Lundquist / Getting Ready for a New Tower of Babel
In: Linguistic Diversity and European Democracy. ed. /Anne Lise Kjær; Silvia Adamo. Farnham : Ashgate 2011, p. 75-96
In: Linguistic Diversity and European Democracy. ed. /Anne Lise Kjær; Silvia Adamo. Farnham : Ashgate 2011, p. 75-96
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Lundquist / Cartesian Frenchmen and Pragmatic Danes. A Question of Nouns and Verbs? : A Linguistic Contribution to the Comparative Study of National Ways of Thinking and Communicating.
Frederiksberg 2010, 29 p. (Working Paper / Department of Business and Politics, No. 74)
Frederiksberg 2010, 29 p. (Working Paper / Department of Business and Politics, No. 74)
Working paper
Lita Lundquist; Iørn Korzen / Dansk og andre europæiske sprog : Strukturelle forskelle mellem tekster på 'endocentrisk' dansk og på 'eksocentriske' romanske sprog.
In: NyS : Nydanske Sprogstudier, No. 38, 2010, p. 107-143
In: NyS : Nydanske Sprogstudier, No. 38, 2010, p. 107-143
Journal article > peer review
Lita Lundquist / Humor og ironi i tværsproglige og tværkulturelle møder : Bona-fide, ikke-bona-fide og bona-fide-cum-humor i dansk og fransk.
In: Skandinaviske sprogstudier, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010, p. 112-131
In: Skandinaviske sprogstudier, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010, p. 112-131
Journal article > peer review
Lita Lundquist / Humour in Intercultural Professional Settings : A Shortcut to Language, Cognition and Identity.
In: Language, Cognition and Identity: Extensions of the Endocentric/Exocentric Language Typology. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Emanuela Cresti. Firenze : Firenze University Press 2010, p. 167-191 (Strumenti per la Didattica e la Ricerca, No. 109)
In: Language, Cognition and Identity: Extensions of the Endocentric/Exocentric Language Typology. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Emanuela Cresti. Firenze : Firenze University Press 2010, p. 167-191 (Strumenti per la Didattica e la Ricerca, No. 109)
Book chapter > peer review
Magali Gravier; Lita Lundquist / Not Lost in Translation? : Sproglig mangfoldighed som legitimeringsstrategi i det europæiske unionsprojekt.
In: Offentligt eller privat?: Historiske og aktuelle udfordringer i politik og økonomi. . ed. /Lars Bo Kaspersen; Joachim Lund; Ole Helby Petersen. København : Djøf Forlag 2010, p. 235-254
In: Offentligt eller privat?: Historiske og aktuelle udfordringer i politik og økonomi. . ed. /Lars Bo Kaspersen; Joachim Lund; Ole Helby Petersen. København : Djøf Forlag 2010, p. 235-254
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Lundquist / Adverbiaux initiaux en danois et en francais : Langue, Texte, Mentalité.
In: Lingue, culture e testi istituzionali: Atti del seminario italo-danese (Cagliari, 13-14 novembre 2007). . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Cristina Lavinio. Firenze : Franco Cesati Editore 2009, p. 141-162
In: Lingue, culture e testi istituzionali: Atti del seminario italo-danese (Cagliari, 13-14 novembre 2007). . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Cristina Lavinio. Firenze : Franco Cesati Editore 2009, p. 141-162
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / From Contrastive Text Linguistics to Didactic Applications : And back Again.
In: Belgian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2009, p. 73-90
In: Belgian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2009, p. 73-90
Journal article > peer review
Lita Lundquist / Humour as a Mediator in Cross-Cultural Professional Settings : Examples from Danish and French.
Frederiksberg : Department of Business and Politics. Copenhagen Business School 2009, 38 p. (Working Paper / Department of Business and Politics, No. 66)
Frederiksberg : Department of Business and Politics. Copenhagen Business School 2009, 38 p. (Working Paper / Department of Business and Politics, No. 66)
Working paper
Lita Lundquist / L'Anaphore Résomptive : Navigation Textuelle et Comparaison Discursive.
In: Tre Pragmatica e linguostica testuale: Ricordando Maria-Elisabeth Conte. . ed. /Frederica Venier. : Edizioni dell'Orso 2009, p. 379-401
In: Tre Pragmatica e linguostica testuale: Ricordando Maria-Elisabeth Conte. . ed. /Frederica Venier. : Edizioni dell'Orso 2009, p. 379-401
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist; Jean-Luc Minel / Linguistique textuelle comparative et navigation textuelle
Paper presented at Conference á Université de Paris III Salle des Ecoles Doctorales, 2009
Paper presented at Conference á Université de Paris III Salle des Ecoles Doctorales, 2009
Kirsten Refsing; Lita Lundquist / Translating Japanese Texts
København : Museum Tusculanum 2009, 195 p.
København : Museum Tusculanum 2009, 195 p.
Book > peer review
Lita Lundquist (Producer) / NaviLire - Navigating in foreign language texts
Sound/Visual production (digital)
Lita Lundquist / Navigating in Foreign Language Texts
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2008, 147 p.
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2008, 147 p.
Book > peer review
Lita Lundquist (Producer) / TeXtRay : Navigating in foreign language texts. E-lærings program.
Sound/Visual production (digital)
Lita Lundquist / Academic Discourse as Social Control and System(s), Seen Through the Use of Demonstrative Noun Phrases in French Scientific Texts
In: Language and Discipline Perspectives on Academic Discourse. ed. /Kjersti Fløttum. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press 2007, p. 219-242
In: Language and Discipline Perspectives on Academic Discourse. ed. /Kjersti Fløttum. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press 2007, p. 219-242
Book chapter
Iørn Korzen (Editor) ; Lita Lundquist (Editor) / Comparing Anaphors : Between Sentences, Texts and Languages - Proceedings of the international symposium held at the Copenhagen Business School September 1st-3rd 2005.
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2007, 206 p. (Copenhagen Studies in Language, No. 34)
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2007, 206 p. (Copenhagen Studies in Language, No. 34)
Lita Lundquist / Comparing evolving anaphors in Danish and French
In: Comparing Anaphors: Between Sentences, Texts and Languages. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Lita Lundquist. : Samfundslitteratur 2007, p. 111-125 (Copenhagen Studies in Language, No. 34)
In: Comparing Anaphors: Between Sentences, Texts and Languages. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Lita Lundquist. : Samfundslitteratur 2007, p. 111-125 (Copenhagen Studies in Language, No. 34)
Article in proceedings
Lita Lundquist / L'anaphore lexicale démonstrative dans les langues endo-et exocentriques : Langue, texte, discours.
In: Scolia - Sciences Cognitives, Linguistique & Intelligence Artificielle, No. 22, 2007, p. 85-104
In: Scolia - Sciences Cognitives, Linguistique & Intelligence Artificielle, No. 22, 2007, p. 85-104
Journal article > peer review
Javier Couto; Lita Lundquist; Jean-Luc Minel / La Navegación Textual en el contexto del aprendizaje de lenguas
In: Revista INFOSUR, No. 1, 6.2007, p. 27-38
In: Revista INFOSUR, No. 1, 6.2007, p. 27-38
Journal article
Lita Lundquist / Lexical anaphors in Danish and French
In: Anaphors in Text: Cognitive, Formal and Applied Approaches to Anaphoric Reference. . ed. /Monika Schwarz-Friesel; Manfred Consten; Mareille Knees. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company 2007, p. 37-47
In: Anaphors in Text: Cognitive, Formal and Applied Approaches to Anaphoric Reference. . ed. /Monika Schwarz-Friesel; Manfred Consten; Mareille Knees. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company 2007, p. 37-47
Book chapter
Iørn Korzen; Lita Lundquist / Preface
In: Comparing Anaphors: Between Sentences, Texts and Languages. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Lita Lundquist. : Samfundslitteratur 2007, p. 7-10 (Copenhagen Studies in Language, No. 34)
In: Comparing Anaphors: Between Sentences, Texts and Languages. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Lita Lundquist. : Samfundslitteratur 2007, p. 7-10 (Copenhagen Studies in Language, No. 34)
Article in proceedings
Lita Lundquist / Anaphores lexicales : Infidélité ou fidélité?. Qualité, quantité et entropie.
In: Des discours aux textes: Modèles et analyses.. ed. /Philippe Lane. 2006, p. 239-259
In: Des discours aux textes: Modèles et analyses.. ed. /Philippe Lane. 2006, p. 239-259
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Fra tekst til samfund
In: Fra tekst til samfund - tur-retur. ed. /Anette Villemoes; Henrik Rye Møller; Mette Skovgaard Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2006, p. 39-60
In: Fra tekst til samfund - tur-retur. ed. /Anette Villemoes; Henrik Rye Møller; Mette Skovgaard Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2006, p. 39-60
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Franske cowboys og engelske bøffer
In: Fra tekst til samfund - tur-retur. ed. /Anette Villemoes; Henrik Rye Møller; Mette Skovgaard Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2006, p. 115-130
In: Fra tekst til samfund - tur-retur. ed. /Anette Villemoes; Henrik Rye Møller; Mette Skovgaard Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2006, p. 115-130
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Lexical Anaphors, Information Packing, and Grammaticalisation of Textual Relations
In: Grammatica. ed. /Henning Nølke et al.. New York : Peter Lang 2006, p. 311-323
In: Grammatica. ed. /Henning Nølke et al.. New York : Peter Lang 2006, p. 311-323
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist; Jean-Luc Minel; Javier Couto / NaviLire, Teaching French by Navigating in Texts
Paper presented at The 11th International Conference. IMPU 2006. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, 2006
Paper presented at The 11th International Conference. IMPU 2006. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, 2006
Lita Lundquist / Translating texts, translating anaphors : Do professional translators fare better in translating associative anaphors?. An experimental study.
In: Interdisciplinarite en Traduction. Actes du IIe Colloque International sur la Traduction organisé par l'Université Technique de Yildiz. ed. /Sündüz Öztürk Kasar. Vol. II, : Isis 2006, p. 151-162
In: Interdisciplinarite en Traduction. Actes du IIe Colloque International sur la Traduction organisé par l'Université Technique de Yildiz. ed. /Sündüz Öztürk Kasar. Vol. II, : Isis 2006, p. 151-162
Article in proceedings
Lita Lundquist / Be orderly! : Language types and interpretation of texts in the European Union.
In: Tipologia Linguistica e Società. ed. /Iørn Korzen; Paolo D'Achille. Firenze 2005, p. 110-133
In: Tipologia Linguistica e Società. ed. /Iørn Korzen; Paolo D'Achille. Firenze 2005, p. 110-133
Book chapter
Javier Couto; Lita Lundquist; Jean-Luc Minel / Navigation interactive pour l'apprentissage en linguistique textuelle
In: Environnements Informatiques pour le 39. Apprentissage Humain: Actes de la conférence EIAH 2005. Montpellier 25, 26 et 27 mai.. . ed. /Pierre Tchounikine; Michelle Joab; Luc Trouche. : Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique Université Montpellier II 2005, p. 45-56
In: Environnements Informatiques pour le 39. Apprentissage Humain: Actes de la conférence EIAH 2005. Montpellier 25, 26 et 27 mai.. . ed. /Pierre Tchounikine; Michelle Joab; Luc Trouche. : Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique Université Montpellier II 2005, p. 45-56
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Noms, verbes et anaphores (in)fidèles : Pourquoi les Danois sont fidèles que les Francais.
In: La génie de la langue francaise: Perspectives typologiques et contrastives. . ed. /Michael Herslund; Irène Baron. Paris : Ediciones Larousse 2005, p. 73-91 (Langue Francaise, No. 145)
In: La génie de la langue francaise: Perspectives typologiques et contrastives. . ed. /Michael Herslund; Irène Baron. Paris : Ediciones Larousse 2005, p. 73-91 (Langue Francaise, No. 145)
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Oversættelse : Problemer og strategier, set i tekstlingvistisk og pragmatisk perspektiv.
3.ed.Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2005, 112 p.
3.ed.Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2005, 112 p.
Lita Lundquist / Anaforer : Nu med leksikon og syntaks.
In: Fakultetets Forskningsseminar 2003. ed. /Heribert Picht. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2004, p. 7-20 (Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, No. 2004-3)
In: Fakultetets Forskningsseminar 2003. ed. /Heribert Picht. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2004, p. 7-20 (Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, No. 2004-3)
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist; Gorm Gabrielsen / EU - fortolkningsfællesskab eller fortolkningsfællesskaber?
In: Europæisk retskultur - på dansk. ed. /Henning Koch; Anne Lise Kjær. Kbh. : Karnov Group 2004, p. 123-165
In: Europæisk retskultur - på dansk. ed. /Henning Koch; Anne Lise Kjær. Kbh. : Karnov Group 2004, p. 123-165
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / From legal knowledge to legal discourse - and back again
In: Approaches to Cognition through Text and Discourse. ed. /Tuija Virtanen. Berlin : De Gruyter 2004, p. 123-148
In: Approaches to Cognition through Text and Discourse. ed. /Tuija Virtanen. Berlin : De Gruyter 2004, p. 123-148
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / L´anaphore infidèle : Regard(s) unificateur(s) sur le texte?.
In: L'unité texte: Actes du colloque: "Regards croisés sur l'Unité texte / Conjoint Perspectives on Text".: Chypre, 18, 19, 20 mars 2004.. . ed. /Sylvie Porheil; Dominique Klinger. 2004, p. 202-214
In: L'unité texte: Actes du colloque: "Regards croisés sur l'Unité texte / Conjoint Perspectives on Text".: Chypre, 18, 19, 20 mars 2004.. . ed. /Sylvie Porheil; Dominique Klinger. 2004, p. 202-214
Book chapter
Iørn Korzen; Lita Lundquist / Sprogtypologi og oversættelse : Endocentriske og exocentriske sprog.
2. Foreløbigeed.København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, 212 p.
2. Foreløbigeed.København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, 212 p.
Lita Lundquist / Tekster Forståelse, analyse, produktion
København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, 83 p.
København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, 83 p.
Lita Lundquist / Utro anaforer i fransk og dansk : Anvendelse og fortolkning, forklaring og oversættele.
In: Synaps, No. 14, 2004, p. 20-30
In: Synaps, No. 14, 2004, p. 20-30
Journal article
Lita Lundquist / How do we know what is known? : A text- and psycholinguistic challenge to the study of texts for specific purposes.
In: Terminología y conocimiento especializado: III Simposio Internacional de Verano de Terminilogía: "Las fuentes del conocimiento especializado y la terminología" (10-13 de julio de 2001). ed. /Maria Teresa Cabré; Judit Freixa; Charles Tebé. 2003, p. 17-38 (Sèrie activitas, No. 12)
In: Terminología y conocimiento especializado: III Simposio Internacional de Verano de Terminilogía: "Las fuentes del conocimiento especializado y la terminología" (10-13 de julio de 2001). ed. /Maria Teresa Cabré; Judit Freixa; Charles Tebé. 2003, p. 17-38 (Sèrie activitas, No. 12)
Article in proceedings
Lita Lundquist / Interpretation of culture and culture of interpretation in law and linguistics
In: Copenhagen studies in language 2003, p. 111-124
In: Copenhagen studies in language 2003, p. 111-124
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / L'anaphore associative en danois et en français, sur quoi roule-t-elle? : Étude contrastive et expérimentale.
In: Aspects linguistiques de la traduction. ed. /Michael Herslund. Bordeaux : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux 2003, p. 105-124
In: Aspects linguistiques de la traduction. ed. /Michael Herslund. Bordeaux : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux 2003, p. 105-124
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Opera og tekstlingvistik : Et eksperiment i teksforståelse.
In: Tekster: struktur, forløb og forståelse: Tre tekst- og psykolingvistiske undersøgelser. . ed. /Lita Lundquist. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2003, p. 3-30 (Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, No. 2003-05)
In: Tekster: struktur, forløb og forståelse: Tre tekst- og psykolingvistiske undersøgelser. . ed. /Lita Lundquist. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2003, p. 3-30 (Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, No. 2003-05)
Book chapter
Iørn Korzen; Lita Lundquist / Sprogtypologi og oversættelse : Endocentriske og exocentriske sprog.
Foreløbiged.København : Samfundslitteratur 2003, 220 p.
Foreløbiged.København : Samfundslitteratur 2003, 220 p.
Lita Lundquist / Tekster: struktur, forløb og forståelse : Tre tekst- og psykolingvistiske undersøgelser.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2003, 94 p. (Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, No. 2003-05)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2003, 94 p. (Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, No. 2003-05)
Lita Lundquist / L'anaphore associative : Etude contrastive et expérimentale de la traduction de l'anaphore associative du francais en danois.
In: Romansk Forum, No. 16, XV Skandinaviske romanistkongress, Oslo 12.-17. august 2002., 2002, p. 637-645
In: Romansk Forum, No. 16, XV Skandinaviske romanistkongress, Oslo 12.-17. august 2002., 2002, p. 637-645
Conference article in journal
Lita Lundquist / Topos et anaphore
In: Les facettes du dire.: Hommage à Oswald Ducrot.. . ed. /Marion Carel. Paris : Éditions Kimé 2002, p. 179-187
In: Les facettes du dire.: Hommage à Oswald Ducrot.. . ed. /Marion Carel. Paris : Éditions Kimé 2002, p. 179-187
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist; Gorm Gabrielsen / Information i sprog og tekst i tal
In: SPRINT, No. 1, 2000, p. 58-70
In: SPRINT, No. 1, 2000, p. 58-70
Journal article
Lita Lundquist; Robert Jarvella / Introduction
In: Language, text and knowledge: mental models of expert communication. . ed. /Robert J. Jarvella; Lita Lundquist. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter 2000, p. 1-9 (Text, Translation, Computational Processing, No. 2)
In: Language, text and knowledge: mental models of expert communication. . ed. /Robert J. Jarvella; Lita Lundquist. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter 2000, p. 1-9 (Text, Translation, Computational Processing, No. 2)
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Knowledge, events and anaphors in texts for specific purposes
In: Language, text and knowledge: mental models of expert communication. . ed. /Robert J. Jarvella; Lita Lundquist. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter 2000, p. 97-125 (Text, Translation, Computational Processing, No. 2)
In: Language, text and knowledge: mental models of expert communication. . ed. /Robert J. Jarvella; Lita Lundquist. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter 2000, p. 97-125 (Text, Translation, Computational Processing, No. 2)
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist; Robert Jarvella / Language, Text, and Knowledge : Mental Models of Expert Communication.
Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter 2000, 326 p. (Text, Translation, Computational Processing)
Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter 2000, 326 p. (Text, Translation, Computational Processing)
Lita Lundquist / Synthèse des travaux
In: Actes du XXIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Bruxelles, 23-29 juillet 1998: Les effets du sens. . ed. /Annick Englebert. Vol. 8, : Max Niemeyer Verlag 2000, p. 179-184
In: Actes du XXIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Bruxelles, 23-29 juillet 1998: Les effets du sens. . ed. /Annick Englebert. Vol. 8, : Max Niemeyer Verlag 2000, p. 179-184
Article in proceedings
Lita Lundquist / Translating associative anaphors : a linguistic and psycholinguistic study of translation from Danish into French.
In: Argomenti per una linguistica della traduzione: Notes pour une linguistique de la traduction : On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Carla Marello. Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso 2000, p. 111-129 (Gli argumenti umani, No. 4)
In: Argomenti per una linguistica della traduzione: Notes pour une linguistique de la traduction : On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. . ed. /Iørn Korzen; Carla Marello. Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso 2000, p. 111-129 (Gli argumenti umani, No. 4)
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Le factum textus : Fait de grammaire, fait de linguistique ou fait de cognition?.
In: Langue Francaise, 1999, p. 56-75
In: Langue Francaise, 1999, p. 56-75
Journal article > peer review
Lita Lundquist / La orientación cognitiva de la lingüística textual : ¿Es todavía posible una lingüística del texto?.
In: Signo et seña, No. 10, 1998
In: Signo et seña, No. 10, 1998
Journal article
Lita Sander Lundquist / L'analyse textuelle
2ed.Frederiksberg : Erhvervsøkonomisk Forlag S/I 1990, 160 p. (Skriftrække J, No. 22)
2ed.Frederiksberg : Erhvervsøkonomisk Forlag S/I 1990, 160 p. (Skriftrække J, No. 22)
Lita Sander Lundquist / La cohérence textuelle : Syntaxe, Sémantique, pragmatique.
Frederiksberg : Erhvervsøkonomisk Forlag S/I 1980, 256 p. (Skriftrække J, No. 4)
Frederiksberg : Erhvervsøkonomisk Forlag S/I 1980, 256 p. (Skriftrække J, No. 4)
More results... (total 79 results)
Lita Lundquist; Helene Dyrbye / Danish Humour : A Fast Track to Hygge or Treading on Toes?.
Frederiksberg : CBS Wire 21.6.2022
Frederiksberg : CBS Wire 21.6.2022
Net publication - Internet publication
Lita Sander Lundquist (Performer) / Are the Danes Really as Funny as They Think Themselves?
København : Augenblick Film 2020
København : Augenblick Film 2020
Sound/Visual production (digital)
Lita Lundquist / Humorsocialisering
In: Bedre journalistik, tak: Tanker om nyhedsformidling 1950-2020. . ed. /Anders Krarup; Peter Bro. Frederiksberg : Forlaget Ajour 2020, p. 85
In: Bedre journalistik, tak: Tanker om nyhedsformidling 1950-2020. . ed. /Anders Krarup; Peter Bro. Frederiksberg : Forlaget Ajour 2020, p. 85
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Hvorfor er danskerne ikke så sjove, som de selv tror?
København : Videnskab.dk 8.1.2020
København : Videnskab.dk 8.1.2020
Net publication - Internet publication
Lita Lundquist / Why Are the Danes not as Funny as They Think They Are?
Oslo : Science Nordic 17.2.2020
Oslo : Science Nordic 17.2.2020
Net publication - Internet publication
Lita Sander Lundquist; Magali Gravier / Der kommer den danske model
In: Weekendavisen, 4.11.2016, p. 4
In: Weekendavisen, 4.11.2016, p. 4
Contribution to newspaper - Comment/debate
Lita Sander Lundquist / Hjertesuk fra en sprogforsker
In: Weekendavisen, 27.11.2015, p. 11
In: Weekendavisen, 27.11.2015, p. 11
Contribution to newspaper - Comment/debate
Lita Lundquist / Lire un Texte Academique en Français : Stratégies de lecture. Exercices de lecture assistée par ordinateur .
Paris : Ophrys 2013, 147 p. (Collection l'Essentiel Francais)
Paris : Ophrys 2013, 147 p. (Collection l'Essentiel Francais)
Lita Sander Lundquist / Humor, helt seriøst
In: Weekendavisen, 24.8.2012, p. 8
In: Weekendavisen, 24.8.2012, p. 8
Contribution to newspaper - Newspaper article
Lita Lundquist / Hulemanden og turbopræsidenten
In: Weekendavisen, 18.6.2010, p. 10
In: Weekendavisen, 18.6.2010, p. 10
Contribution to newspaper - Newspaper article
Lita Lundquist / Sprogvidenskaben, dens retninger og discipliner
In: Sprog og sprogbeskrivelse. ed. /Michael Herslund; Bente Lihn Jensen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2003, p. 29-59
In: Sprog og sprogbeskrivelse. ed. /Michael Herslund; Bente Lihn Jensen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2003, p. 29-59
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Tekstlingvistik
In: Sprog og sprogbeskrivelse. ed. /Michael Herslund; Bente Lihn Jensen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2003, p. 227-253
In: Sprog og sprogbeskrivelse. ed. /Michael Herslund; Bente Lihn Jensen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2003, p. 227-253
Book chapter
Lita Lundquist / Tekstlingvistik
In: Den Store Danske Encyklopædi : Gyldendal 2000
In: Den Store Danske Encyklopædi : Gyldendal 2000
Encyclopedia chapter
More results... (total 17 results)
Humorekspert: Dansk humor kan virke både barskt og afvisende
20/12/2023 // Ugebladet Hørsholm // Natasha Jahanshahi
Humorekspert: Dansk humor kan virke både barsk og afvisende
12/10/2023 // Frederiksborg Amts Avis // Natasha Jahanshahi
Danskernes humor bliver ofte misforstået
19/05/2022 // DR2 Deadline 22.30
Farum-forfatter bag ny e-bog: ”Dansk humor skal forklares for udlændinge”
18/04/2022 // Sn.dk (Sjællands Nyheder) // Jens Berg Thomsen
Why humour gets Danes into trouble
16/03/2022 // Cbswire.dk // Kim Wiesener
New book considers why Danish humour either hits the sweet spot or sinks like a stone
23/02/2022 // Cphpost.dk (Copenhagen Post) // Ben Hamilton
Lingvistkredsens årsmøde 2021
01/11/2021 // Sproget.dk
'Tak' og 'merci': Hvorfor lyder nogle sprog bedre end andre?
04/10/2020 // Videnskab.dk // Frederik Guy Hoff Sonne
Smukke sprog har rytme og blandede toner
30/09/2020 // Ritzaus Bureau // Rikke Lund Kristensen
Fakta [om dansk udtale]
30/09/2020 // Ritzaus Bureau // Rikke Lund Kristensen
Smukke sprog har rytme og blandede toner
30/09/2020 // Sjællandske, Flensborg Avis, Lolland-Falsters Folketidende, Herning Folkeblad, Midtjyllands Avis, Sn.dk (Sjællands Nyheder), Kristeligt-Dagblad.dk, B.T., Nordjyske Stiftstidende, Fyns Amts Avis, Fyens Stiftstidende, Faa.dk, Fyens.dk // Frederik Guy Hoff Sonne, Videnskab.dk
Derfor er humor på jobbet så svært
19/05/2020 // Djoefbladet.dk // Regner Hansen
Den svære joke
01/05/2020 // djøfbladet // Regner Hansen
Er vi danskere ikke så sjove, som vi tror?
02/02/2020 // Jyllands-Posten // Ronja Melander
Er vi danskere så sjove, som vi tror?
24/01/2020 // Kristeligt Dagblad
08/01/2020 // Bogmarkedet.dk
Cand. komik: brug humor i arbejdstiden
28/09/2012 // Fyns Amts Avis // Knud Pedersen, Bagenkop, -keramiker
More results... (total 18 results)