Peter Ping Li remembers James March

American political scientist, sociologist, and economist James March passed away September 27, 2018. This special issue in the journal Management and Organization Review celebrates his huge impact on organizational studies.


On September 27, 2018, Professor James G. March, a giant in our field, passed
away at the age of 90 (1928–2018), just one month after his wife and high
school sweetheart, Jayne, passed away. March’s impact on the field of organization
studies and beyond is profound and long-lasting. The advancement of the field is
truly indebted to March’s brilliance and dedication to the search of truth as a great
scholar. March wrote the inaugural article for Management and Organization Review
(MOR) (2005), ‘Parochialism in the Evolution of a Research Community: The
Case of Organization Studies’. This article not only provided a critical foundation
underlying the editorial structure and philosophy of MOR but also argued
eloquently for the salience of indigenous Chinese management studies as a necessary
condition for building both contextualized and universal knowledge.
To remember, celebrate, and advance March’s rich ideas on organizations,
MOR and the IACMR held, in June 17–18, 2019, a special paper development
workshop at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China for a special issue of
MOR. Following the workshop, invitations to submit revised manuscripts based
on the feedback provided at the workshop were sent out for the final submissions
before the due date of October 30, 2019. In total, we received eleven well-developed
submissions, out of which five articles were accepted for publication in this
special issue. Next, we will present synopses of the five articles, and then discuss
critical implications for future research

EGB's Peter Ping Li contributed to the introductory 'Remembering James March' and wrote 'The Last Interview with James March'.

The page was last edited by: Department of International Economics, Government and Business // 12/09/2021