Alisa Ananjeva is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Digitalization. Alisa is interested in problem-based research and research methodologies such as action research, action case studies, and longitudinal case studies. In addition, Alisa is interested in understanding change and uncovering the complexities of seemingly simple transformative actions that constitute large-scale change. Alisa holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems from Aalborg University.
Primary research areas
• Digital Transformation • Interorganizational Collaboration • Sustainability • Process Theory
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Selected publications
Ananjeva A, Persson JS, Bruun A (2020) Integrating UX work with agile development through user stories: An action research study in a small software company. Journal of Systems and Software, 170, 110785.
Ananjeva, A., Persson, J. S. & Nielsen, P. A., (2022) How organizations collaborate in the Digital Transformation towards Sustainability. Thirtieth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’22)
Ananjeva, A., Persson, J. S. & Nielsen, P. A., (2022) Digital Transformation towards Sustainability: A Case Study of Process Views in District Heating, The 13th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB’22)