Projects and Publications

NeuroLab is pursuing multiple research projects, several of which are listed below. Each of these projects focuses on different domains in which brains, behaviors, and digital tools interact in novel ways.


Read more about the current project at the NeuroLab in details by pressing the titles below

Mood synchronicity

Mood synchronicity is a new concept that we define to explore how communication media transmit affective states from one individual to another. Building on this new concept, this project aims to explore how shared mood influences different types of collaborative tasks. More specifically, the project explores how the characteristics of different communication media mediate the relationship between shared mood and coordinated behaviors. This project contains multiple individual studies ranging from theoretical to big data-driven, to laboratory-based.

Online altruism

This project explores which types of emotional and social information can be communicated by fundraising campaigns on crowdfunding platforms to influence, and possibly bias potential donors. More specifically, the project investigates how different types of crowdfunding campaign pictures influence cancer-related charitable online giving. This project also combines multiple methods, including laboratory studies, online experiments, and econometrics.

Techno-Cognitive Adaption

As individuals interact with digital technologies, they are continuously adapting both their behaviors and their awareness of different technological capabilities. This project looks at the types of cognitive changes that coincide with those behavioral and technological adaptations.  

Online Dating

Online Dating has become an important way for people to meet others and form relationships. This project explores the design of these technologies and the choices that users make. 

Green Futures

Sustainable consumption is an important way for consumers to manage their impact on the environment, and to create market pressures for companies to offer sustainable products. This project looks at consumers' reactions to green alternatives across a range of online contexts. 

AI and Fake News

Individuals often rely on images to substantiate disputed claims online. This is typified by the common expression, “Pictures, or it didn’t happen”. Generative AI has made it possible to fabricate images. This research investigates the perceived believability of news headlines when they are presented with generative AI images.

Social Media and Self-Esteem

Social media platforms often encourage individuals to create socially desirable, but ultimately unrealistic online profiles, which exaggerate the content creators’ happiness and prosperity. This research investigates the impact of viewing such content for social media consumers.



Gleasure, R., Conboy, K., & Jiang, Q. (2024) Techno-cognitive structuration: modelling the role of cognitive structures in technology adaptation. Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Gleasure, R., Saigot, M., & Kanat, I. (2024). Let’s talk about it in the morning: how circadian rhythms moderate information-sharing on social media. Affective Science,

Kensy Tziatziou, A., & Gleasure, R. (2024). How women’s engagement with Instagram posts that use edited images impacts their self-esteem and body perception. NeuroIS Retreat, Vienna.

Lie Duestad, L., Celine Foss, H., Toth, J., & Gleasure, R. (2024). Pictures or it didn’t happen! How the use of Generative AI images impacts the perceived believability of news headlines. NeuroIS Retreat, Vienna.

Saigot, M., Gleasure, R., & Constantiou, I. (2023). Understanding the Affective Layer of Online Collaboration: Toward a Media Affectivity Theory. Academy of Management, Boston. 

Saigot, M., Gleasure, R., Constantiou, I., & Blicher, A. (2023). Media Naturalness, Emotion Contagion, and Creativity: A Laboratory Experiment among Dyads. NeuroIS Retreat 2023.

Alashoor, T., Blicher, A., & Gleasure, R. (2023). Take a Deep Breath and Tell Me All About It: An Experimental Study on the Effect of Breathing on Privacy Decisions. NeuroIS Retreat 2023.

Saigot, M., Gleasure, R., Constantiou, I., & Blicher, A. (2023). In or out of sync? A Psychophysiological Approach to Digital Collaboration. Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS) 2023.

Blicher, A., Gleasure, R., Constantiou, I., & Clement, J. (2022). The Emotional Impact of Pictures when Crowdfunding for Healthcare: An Experimental Study. In: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS): Digitization for the Next Generation.

Blicher, A., Gleasure, R., Constantiou, I., & Clement, J. (2022). Getting to Grips with Online Altruism by Combining Quasi-Experiments and Controlled Experiments. Workshop on Information Systems and Economics 2022.

Saigot, M. (2022). Leveraging Affective Friction to Improve Online Creative Collaboration: An Experimental Design. In: Information Systems and Neuroscience - NeuroIS Retreat 2022: Conference Proceedings.

Blicher, A., Gleasure, R., Constantiou, I., & Clement, J. (2022). How Does the Content of Crowdfunding Campaign Pictures Impact Donations for Cancer Treatment. In: Information Systems and Neuroscience - NeuroIS Retreat 2022: Conference Proceedings.


The page was last edited by: Department of Digitalization // 09/12/2024