
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Assistant professor

Room: POR/18.B-4.129

As a historical and political sociologist, I study processes of governance and leadership in the field of tension between top-down and bottom-up, between elite and popular governance, experts and civic engagement. Within this dynamic, I have a strong interest in how patterns of inequality, diversity, and difference emerge and are sustained, as well as how forms of alternative and affirmative organizing are undertaken to address, circumvent, or resist such patterns. I study civil society elites, moral elites, intermediary elites, and movement elites. I am engaged in questions related to the role of religion and science in governing modes of behavior under modern conditions, and I study the historical regulation of moral conduct as well as social and economic policy. I apply genealogical as well as contemporary approaches spanning interpretive and statistical methods, including affirmative genealogy, conceptual history, and Social Network Analysis. Pedagogically, I am interested in developing teaching methodologies rooted in American Pragmatism.

Primary research areas
  • Governance and leadership
  • Organization studies
  • Expertise and belief
  • Inequality, difference, and diversity
  • Situated learning
Curriculum Vitae
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Publications sorted by:
Anders Sevelsted; Håkan Johansson / Civil Society Elites : Managers of Civic Capital.
In: Theory and Society, Vol. 53, No. 4, 8.2024, p. 933-951
Journal article > peer review
Anders Sevelsted; Jacob Lunding / Den danske civilsamfundselite
Aarhus : Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet 2024 (Magtudredningen 2.0: Essay-serien, Vol. Tema 10)
Net publication - Internet publication
Anders Sevelsted / Governing Morality : The Role of Intermediary Elites in Associative Governance of Religious Revivals in Scandinavia.
In: Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by “Combining Together”. . ed. /Anker Brink Lund; Haldor Byrkjeflot; Søren Christensen. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, p. 57-89 (Nordic Studies in a Global Context)
Book chapter > peer review
Anders Sevelsted; Jacob Aagaard Lunding / The Danish Civil Society Elite 1910–2020 : Continuity, Reproduction and Integration.
In: Civil Society Elites: Exploring the Composition, Reproduction, Integration, and Contestation of Civil Society Actors at the Top. . ed. /Håkan Johansson; Anna Meeuwisse. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2024, p. 25–49 (Palgrave Studies in Third Sector Research)
Book chapter > peer review
Jeffrey Alexander; Nina Eliasoph; Doug McAdam; Anders Sevelsted; Jonas Toubøl / Bringing Morality Back in : Three Interviews.
In: The Power of Morality in Movements: Civic Engagement in Climate Justice, Human Rights, and Democracy. . ed. /Anders Sevelsted; Jonas Toubøl. Cham : Springer 2023, p. 39-59 (Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies)
Book chapter > peer review
Anders Sevelsted / Civil Society Elite Career Trajectories
Abstract from ECPR General Conference 2023, 2023
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Lars Bo Kaspersen; Anders Sevelsted / Civilsamfundets korte og lange historie i Danmark - i statens skygge
In: Civilsamfundet i statens skygge. ed. /Lars Bo Kaspersen; Liv Egholm. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2023, p. 59-86
Book chapter > peer review
Joachim Lund; Anders Sevelsted / Deconsecration : Symbolic Sanctions, "Courts of Honour," and the Cleansing of Denmark's Who's Who After the German Occupation, 1940-1945.
In: Enterprise & Society, 8.9.2023
Journal article > peer review
Anders Sevelsted / Frivilligheden i Danmark - historie, betydning og aktualitet
In: Civilsamfundet i statens skygge. ed. /Lars Bo Kaspersen; Liv Egholm. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2023, p. 111-129
Book chapter > peer review
Anders Sevelsted; Jonas Toubøl / Introduction : Movements and Morality.
In: The Power of Morality in Movements: Civic Engagement in Climate Justice, Human Rights, and Democracy. . ed. /Anders Sevelsted; Jonas Toubøl. Cham : Springer 2023, p. 3-13 (Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies)
Book chapter > peer review
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