Project Participants

Equality, diversity and inclusion as a moralized market


Business research on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion -EDI- in the workplace focuses on whathappens inside public and private organization, i.e. diversity management. We thus oversee avariety of actors who engage with EDI as expert suppliers such as consulting and search firms,associations and NGOs, or even business networks. It follows that we know little about the rolesuch actors play in influencing the EDI agenda in the workplace and the type of change beingachieved, in particular with regards to the balance between the business and ethical dimensions.The main objectives of EDImarket are thus to: 1. Theorize EDI as a moralized market andapproach it empirically as a sociological field; 2. Study the positions and relations of actors in theEDI field with social network analysis-SNA; 3. Conduct a qualitative study of the sensemaking andidentity work of the experts conducting EDI work in public or private sector workplaces.


Private (National)




Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy



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