Project Participants

  • Partner: Anna Leander

Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts (CRIC)


Development of specific tools for conflict analysis and techniques for non-military efforts are paramount for settling and avoiding violant conflicts. The work is focused on two conflict dimensions: The lasting conflict's way of dealing with the past and the possibility of third parties to break an escalation. The effort is supported by insights in conflict solution poteltials in new technology, from social media to drones. In order to make relevant conflict knowledge for practitioners, sociology of knowledge is mobilised in order to understand why some expertise is taken into consideration and why some is ignored. ”Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts” (CRIC) aims to test concrete organisational forms in which researchers and practitioners in collaboration can develop solutions.CRIC is defined by rethinking and innovating fundamental conflict theory especially through a systematic model of differences and similarities between individual and collective processes of fear, power, and anger. CRIC is built around five projects: Development of conflict theory; on-going conflicts; action possibilies for third parties in escalation of conflict; new technologies; expert sociological analysis on conflict research.Regionally, case studies are concentrated around the Levant, the Horn of Africa, and Northern Ireland in order to systematically create comparative insights and experience transfer. Through research and development, CRIC will strengthen the ability of interested - governmental and non-governmental - parties to peacefully contribute to resolving international conflicts.


Public (National)


Det Strategiske Forskningsråd


Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy

Collaborative partners:

University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen




Start Date:


End Date:


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