How to sell textbooks at university level in India

- Four CBS students win elite case competition in the US


Fire CBS-studerende vinder elite case competition i USA

Caspar Høgh, Simon Sylvest, Theis Malmborg and Mia Møgelgaard have just won the CIBER MBA Case Competition 2010 at University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. The participants are primarily MBA students with an average of 5 years' working experience, and it is therefore remarkable that four master's students from CBS would be the ones to win. The case centred on FlatWorld Knowledge, which is an online business selling textbooks for universities. The challenge was to come up with a penetration strategy for the Indian market. The four students' winning solution involved an expansion of the business to other English-speaking countries.

Close-knit CBS team

Caspar, Theis, Simon and Mia have participated in several case competition at bachelor's level and know each other very well. They know how the other's will react after days of no sleep, they share common experiences and are able to laugh it off when things get too rough.

- We are pretty skilled at making presentations, we have the necessary confidence and we went to the US determined to win. We have developed over the case process, and we have witnessed a steep learning curve.

Case Coach Stephanie Hadler from CBS adds:

- I have been very pleased to see them grow and learn during the case process, and they truly deserve the first place.

CIBER is short for Center for International Business Education and Research and is represented at 31 US univerties.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/16/2010