
  • 30.12.2015

    CBS in January

    Human Resource Management in the year 2016, servitisation as a competitive strategy and welfare creation is among the subjects you can hear more about at CBS in January.
  • 29.12.2015

    Green business in Tanzania receives DKK 10m

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark has donated DKK 10m to CBS researchers, who will assist in analysing and developing sustainable forms of business in Tanzania with the project New Partnerships for Sustainability (NEPSUS).
  • 15.12.2015

    Research talents awarded grants

    Three young CBS researchers receive a Sapere Aude: DFF-Research Talent grant for DKK 0.5 m from the Danish Council for Independent Research
  • 12.11.2015

    YES or NO? EU2015 debate at CBS

    CBS launches the debate on a yes or a no vote to the EU referendum with a visit from all the political parties in the Danish government Tuesday 17 November. Leading experts on the opt-in system and opt-outs will shed light on the various consequences.
  • 30.10.2015

    CBS in November

    Do customer clubs really result in more loyal customers? What is at stake when Denmark votes about the EU opt-out in December? How do global companies avoid the pitfalls of cultural differences? Who will become student of the year (and employee of the year)? And did the financial crisis teach the sector more responsibility? Visit CBS in November and find the answers.
  • 29.09.2015

    Tight National Budget hits CBS

    Tuesday’s press conference at the Ministry of Finance confirms that the government’s National Budget proposal is roughly as expected and will hit CBS. This sends an unfortunate signal, declares the president of CBS.
