PhD defence: Jeanette Walldorf
Essays on the Economics of Education and Labour Market
This thesis seeks to improve our knowledge of the determinants and consequences of educational outcomes with particular focus on higher education in Denmark. Chapter 1 studies the discontinuation decision of university students in their first study program. Chapter 2 investigates how university peers affect the divergence in career trajectories of male and female students to top-earning jobs in the Danish labour market. Chapter 3 studies the importance of social connections formed among university peers in terms of shaping their future careers.
Primary Supervisor: Department of Economics Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisor: Senior Researcher Miriam Gensowski Research Unit The Rockwoll Foundation
Assessment Committee: Associate Professor Herdis Steingrimsdottir (Chair) Department of Economics Copenhagen Business School
Professor Peter Arcidiacono Department of Economics Duke University
Professor Mette Ejrnæs Department of Economics University of Copenhagen
Thesis: Reception: |