Events: CBS is launching three new research platforms

Three new research platforms address some of the international community’s most important challenges: inequality, diversity and digital transformation. Meet the three academic directors of the platforms, and attend the creative launch events. Everybody is invited!



In relation to gender, sexuality, ethnicity and language, we need to study how to create new frameworks for equal opportunities and diversity. In terms of tech giants and fake news, algorithms, surveillance and the ‘rise of the robots’, we also need new insight. Inequality is another theme on the global agenda. 

In autumn, CBS holds three events that will give a creative taste of what the three new research platforms are going to work with in the next five years.  

The objective of the platforms is to provide input for debates, development and decisions in society. Collaboration and partnerships, dissemination and outreach are central goals for the platforms. Meet the academic directors of the platforms and learn more about their plans for the platforms: 

Academic Directors for the Inequality platform, Professor mso Mogens Kamp Justesen and Associate Professor Birthe Larsen:

”Inequality is one of the greatest challenges of our time, nationally and globally. The most important task of the platform is to study the causes and consequences of inequality - why is inequality increasing in many countries, and what are the implications for citizens and companies at national and international level? The research asks relevant questions, so that we as a society can find new answers and solutions. We do this in close collaboration with companies, organisations and society”. 

The Inequality platform is launched on Tuesday 2 October, 14:00-16:30. Keynote speaker and award-winning economy professor Richard Blundell at University College London will present his current research on ’The dynamics of income and earnings inequality’. After Blundell’s lecture, you can experience the interactive piece of art “Hope and Fear” by Charlotte Haslund-Christensen.

Read more about the launch 

Diversity & Difference
Academic Directors for the Diversity & Difference platform, Professor mso Sara Louise Muhr and Associate Professor Dorte Lønsmann:

”Inclusion and equality dominate agendas in a globalised world and is on the UN Sustainable Development Goals list. The platform addresses the promotion of inclusion and equality in relation to gender, ethnicity, sexuality, language and culture and how it is best done. We work with the business community, organisations and society and create concrete tools. We also wish to contribute to the public debate and disseminate our research to a broad audience.

The platform launch is Thursday 11 October, 16:00-19:00. Everybody is invited! At the event, you can meet keynote speaker Karen Ashcraft, who is professor at the University of Colorado. Her keynote is titled “Feeling Power: Diversity as a Sensate Encounter”. During the event, you can participate in a diversity walk or visit the Norm Room to learn more about your own privileges and prejudices. The band ‘Det Kønne Kartel’ will provide the musical entertainment. 

Read more about the launch and sign up

Academic Directors for the Transformations platform, Professor mso Mikkel Flyverbom and Professor mso Ioanna Constantiou:

”The internet has become a global infrastructure. Our lives and digital technology have become inseparable. However, technology is market-driven and without transparency, for instance in relation to human rights and democracy. The platform is contributing critical knowledge at an international level to show new paths. We are establishing dialogue with tech-companies, providing consultancy to decision-makers and contributing to the public debate.” 

Due to illness, keynote speaker Shoshana Zuboff has had to cancel, and the launch of the Transformations platform has been postponed. The launch will take place in the beginning of 2019, where Shoshana Zuboff hopefully will give a keynote speech. 

Read more about the joint launch of the three platforms on 12 November, where the three themes will be woven together. EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager will be keynote speaker.

Join the launch of Business in Society platforms

Read more about the platforms

For more information, please contact the platform secretariat at

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020