
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • CBS Law

Kontor: POR/18.B-1.130
E-mail: ha.bhl@cbs.dk

Henrik Andersen is an Associate Professor at CBS Law where he has worked between 2003-2014 and again from 2018. Between 2014-2018 he worked as a Senior Lecturer at Lancashire Law School, UCLan in the United Kingdom. Henrik Andersen’s research interests revolve around International Economic Law with particular focus on World trade Organization (WTO) law in the context of rule of law and international climate change law. In addition, he carries out research concerning the trade relations between China and the EU, in particular the EU’s use of antidumping, as well as China’s investment initiative ‘One Belt, One Road.’

Primære forskningsområder
  • WTO law
  • International Trade and the International Rule of Law
  • International Trade and International Climate Change Law
  • Antidumping Law and Trade Defences
  • EU-China Trade Relationship, including “One Belt, One Road”
Administrative opgaver
  • Coordinator of Education, CBS Law
  • CBS Law Representative at the BHL Department Forum
  • Editor of the CBS Law Research Paper Series at SSRN
  • Course coordinator; Regulation of markets, MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Course coordinator; EU law, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Course coordinator; Public law, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Course coordinator; Public law, HD (GDL)
  • Course coordinator; Internal market and climate change, HD (GDL)
Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • EU Law, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Regulation of markets, MSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
  • Internal market and climate change, HD (GDL)
  • Bachelor projects
  • Master theses
  • PhD Supervision
Udvalgte publikationer
  • “Protection of Non-Trade Values in WTO Appellate Body Jurisprudence:  Exceptions, Economic Arguments, and Eluding Questions “, 18 (2) Journal of International Economic Law, 2015, pp. 383-405.
  • “Rule of Law Gaps and the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: The Problem of Legal Certainty for International Businesses and other Stakeholders” in “Towards a New Silk Road? A Legal Analysis of The Belt and Road Initiative”, Giuseppe Martinico and Wu Xueyan (eds.),(2020) 103-129, Palgrave Macmillan
  • “EU’s ‘Distorted Economy’ Antidumping Approach towards China: Improvement of Legal Certainty or New Legal Distortions? – Some Overall Observations”, Journal of World Trade 56 (5) 2022, 1-22
  • “Time to Reconsider Direct Applicability of WTO Law in ECJ Jurisprudence? - The Three Arguments from Commission v Hungary (Higher education), European Law Review, 47 (4) 2022, 550-567.
  • “WTO Panel and Appellate Body Jurisprudence on Environmental Protection of Marine Living Resources: Considerations for the Maritime Silk Road Shipping Policies”, Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, 42a, Kluwer Law International, 2021, 73-123.
  • “EU Dumping Determinations and WTO Law”, Kluwer Law International; Global Trade Law Series, 2009
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Henrik Andersen / The EU Draft Regulation to Counter Economic Coercion : A Brief Discussion of Economic Coercion in the Context of International Law.
WWW : CBS LAW. Copenhagen Business School 2023, 12 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Nr. 23-04)
Working paper
Henrik Andersen / Democratic Legitimacy : A Legal Perspective.
I: Public Law: Insights into Danish Constitutional and Administrative Law. . red. /Peter Aagaard Nielsen; Jesper Olsen. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2022, s. 93-118
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Henrik Andersen / EU’s ‘Distorted Economy’ Antidumping Approach Towards China: Improvement of Legal Certainty or New Legal Distortions? : Some Overall Observations.
I: Journal of World Trade, Vol. 56, Nr. 5, 10.2022, s. 735-756
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christina D. Tvarnø; Henrik Andersen / Promoting Climate Public Private Partnerships by Law
I: Into the Northern Light: In Memory of Steen Treumer. . red. /Carina Risvig Hamer; Marta Andhov; Erik Bertelsen; Roberto Caranta. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2022, s. 529-544
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Henrik Andersen / Substantive Due Process as a Principle of Law to Protect the Right to a Safe Climate in a European Context
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2022, 13 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Vol. 22-14)
Working paper
Henrik Andersen / The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) and Climate Protection : When, Where, and How?.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2022, 14 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Nr. 22-07)
Working paper
Henrik Andersen / Time to Reconsider Direct Applicability of WTO Law to ECJ Jurisprudence? : The Three Arguments from Commission v Hungary (Higher Education).
I: European Law Review, Vol. 47, Nr. 4, 8.2022, s. 550-567
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Henrik Andersen / Climate Concerns and Antidumping Law : Where is the Space for the Climate Argument?.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2021, 15 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Nr. 21-09)
Working paper > peer review
Henrik Andersen / The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) and Climate Protection : A Brief Descriptive Overview of CAI Climate Regulation and its Legal Context.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2021, 16 s. (CBS LAW Research Paper, Nr. 21-13)
Working paper
Henrik Andersen / The Role of WTO Dispute Settlement Institutions in Promoting the Rule of Law Over Power Orientation in the Russia-EU Trade Relationship
I: The IUP Journal of International Relations, Nr. 20, 2021, s. 40-65
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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  • Senior visiting fellow at the School of Law, UCLan Cyprus