
Institut for Organisation

  • People and Organizing (PnO)
Christian Dyrlund

Kontor: KIL/14.A-3.95
christian dyrlund

Most of my previous research has been on interventions to improve workplace health and well-being. In my dissertation, I studied decision-making processes in participatory health and well-being workshops in the workplace with a focus on how social dynamics between employees and managers shape the agreements that are reached and how participatory decision-making is potentially delicate for the participants in a number of ways.

Relatedly, I also study how leadership arises in interaction from a conversation analytic and ethnomethodological perspective. In the next years, I will be working on a project on how members of the police view victims of crime and approach their interactions with the victims.

Primære forskningsområder
Employee participation
Health and well-being interventions
Conversation analysis and discursive psychology
Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside
Work and Leadership Psychology (HA Psyk)
Social Psychology (HA Psyk)
Academic Internship (CM Psyk)

Bachelor and Master theses

Udvalgte publikationer
Wåhlin-Jacobsen CD (2020): Open or Closed? A Social Interaction Perspective on Line Managers’ Reactions to Employee Voice. Management Communication Quarterly 34(1), 32-57
Wåhlin-Jacobsen CD, Abildgaard JS (2019): Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches? Deontics and epistemics in discussions of health and well-being in participatory workplace settings. Discourse & Communication, 14(1), 44-64
Abildgaard JS, Nielsen K, Wåhlin-Jacobsen CD, Maltesen T, Christensen KB, & Holtermann A (2019): ’Same, but different’—A mixed methods realist evaluation of a cluster-randomised controlled participatory organisational intervention. Human Relations, Online First
Wåhlin-Jacobsen CD (2019): The terms of “becoming empowered”: How ascriptions and negotiations of employee identities shape the outcomes of workplace voice activities. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35(3), 101059.
Gupta N, Wåhlin-Jacobsen CD, Abildgaard JS, Henriksen LN, Nielsen K & Holtermann A (2018): Effectiveness of a participatory physical and psychosocial intervention to balance the demands and resources of industrial workers: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 44(1), 58–68
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Mikkel Brandt Petersen; Jeppe Zielinski Nguyen Ajslev / Furthering Implementation Management : A Pragmatic Scoping Review with Emphasis on Practical Recommendations.
Poster session presented at 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. EAOHP 2024, 2024, 1 s.
Poster > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Seeing Blindness : A Combined Psychodynamic and Interactional Approach to the Study of Ignoring.
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 23, Nr. 1, 4.2023, s. 201-215
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Sofie Kauffeldt Hammelsvang; Mikkel Brandt Petersen; Lars L. Andersen; Jeppe Z. N. Ajslev / Implementeringsledelse i forhold til arbejdsmiljøtiltag : Udvikling af et nyt begreb med eksempler fra Sosu-arbejdspladser.
København : Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø 2022, 95 s.
Rapport > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Studying "Normal" Wrongdoing in Interaction : Police Call Centre Work in a Micro-discursive Perspective.
Paper presented at 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, 2022
Paper > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Magnus Larsson / From Connecting Leaders to Connecting Leadership : A Study of Interaction.
I: The Connecting Leader: Serving Concurrently as a Leader and a Follower. . red. /Zahira Jaser. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing 2021, s. 155-190 (Leadership Horizons)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen / Indflydelse i praxis – et perspektiv på vej
I: Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, Vol. 23, Nr. 2, 6.2021, s. 39–55
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen; Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen / Interactional Troubles in Police-Citizen Interactions : Blindness as an Underlying Mechanism in Catagory Work about Danger.
Paper presented at 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, 2021
Paper > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Udviklingen af kynisme fra politistuderende til betjent : Fokus på kynismens delaspekter og arbejdsmæssige faktorer.
I: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab, Vol. 108, Nr. 2, 2021, s. 327–342
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jeppe Z. N. Ajslev; Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Mikkel Brandt; Jeppe L. Møller; Lars L. Andersen / Losing Face from Engagement : An Overlooked Risk in the Implementation of Participatory Organisational Health and Safety Initiatives in the Construction Industry.
I: Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 38, Nr. 9, 9.2020, s. 824-839
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen; Johan Simonsen Abildgaard / Only the Wearer Knows Where the Shoe Pinches? : Deontics and Epistemics in Discussions of Health and Well-being in Participatory Workplace Settings.
I: Discourse and Communication, Vol. 14, Nr. 1, 2.2020, s. 44-64
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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Academic reviewer

Academic reviewer (April - May)

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