Knowledge and sparring partners can help your company through the COVID-19 crisis

Like an earthquake the COVID-19 pandemic is sending gigantic shock waves through the global economy, putting numerous Danish companies, particularly young companies, under an enormous pressure. With a host of new initiatives, CBS will fully support the restoration efforts that lie ahead.



Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy
Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

COVID-19 has struck the Danish business community and many companies are currently experiencing a lower turnover and revenue as a consequence. Start-ups and SMEs are among those hardest hit by the consequences of the virus.

Education and sharing of knowledge can be part of the answer
Clearly, CBS wishes to help companies by offering what a university excels in; research and education. 
In close collaboration with companies and other actors, a lot of CBS’ researchers have initiated research projects to illuminate how to curb the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and moreover, we now launch customised courses and initiatives to provide entrepreneurs and SMEs with instant help to tackle their challenges.

"The COVID-19 crisis is massive and numerous companies are currently facing the same problems. CBS has knowledge to help the companies survive a crisis and clearly we will make this knowledge available. Furthermore, we do feel obligated to facilitate contact between the companies in order for all of us to learn from this crisis together, says Gregor Halff, Dean of Education at CBS.

A helping hand for young companies
In addition to courses launched right now, we will also facilitate round-tables where companies can meet to share experiences, challenges and solutions. We have also launched a YouTube channel, “Acceleration on Demand” with videos presenting knowledge and tools to address business challenges offered in collaboration with CBS’ diploma programmes (HD) and the Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE). 

Our diploma programmes have more than 100 years of experience in training business people from different corners of the business community and have deep insight into business challenges encountered by companies - under normal circumstances and in times of crisis. This insight can now benefit companies under pressure due to COVID-19. For instance, the diploma programmes have developed special corona packages.

Similarly, the Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE) offers help too. The incubator has helped start-ups since 2007. Andreas Aasted Gjede, Director for CSE, says: 
”CSE has many years of experience in helping start-ups and entrepreneurs by supporting their development of ideas and businesses. We would like to offer knowledge, tools and a vast network to help as many people as possible to overcome the COVID-19 crisis.” 

Save your restaurant
A third project, Bowline, makes it easier for restaurants and cafés to help each other by sharing their experiences from the COVID-19 crisis. Bowline is a task force including restaurant owners, chefs and researchers from CBS and University College London. Together they are working on examining and solving challenges in the restaurant business, e.g. through an autumn series of workshops about the most difficult challenges. Simultaneously, they make knowledge and tools available to industry colleagues on

Does your company need new input?
Do you own a small company and do you need help to weather the COVID-19 storm, there are already videos available on our YouTube channel “Acceleration on Demand” providing you with concrete tools.

If you wish to participate in the courses from HD, please note that those are in Danish, except for HD in Supply Chain Management wgich is in english. You can find more information here (In Danish).

You are also welcome to sign up for a round-table to discuss current challenges with other companies and advisors. If you would like to participate in a round table please reach out to Jakob Heiberg (

Relevant links
Cophagen School of Entrepreneurship
Dilpoma programmes (In Danish)
Youtube channel “Acceleration on Demand”

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/04/2022