Get a one-on-one Q&A with Danske Bank CEO

Join the initiation of the Executive in Residence initiative when FinanceLab invites you to meet Danske Bank's CEO Thomas F. Borgen.


We are very excited to announce Thomas F. Borgen, CEO of Danske Bank as our first speaker.

Besides being the first FinanceLab event of the year, the event is also an initiation of the Executive in Residence initiative.

Thomas F. Borgen is considered as one of the most important and competent CEO’s in the Nordics.

Thomas F. Borgen will talk about the journey Danske Bank has been on since the crisis in 08' and how it is to successfully turn around a major institution like Danske Bank.

Furthermore, Thomas F. Borgen will talk about what it takes to be a successful CEO in a modern bank where new technologies are constantly disrupting the world of finance.

After the event 10 handpicked students will get the chance to have a 30 minutes intimate Q/A session based on the topics covered in his talk. To be considered please attach CV and a cover letter (max 200 words) on what you want to ask Thomas F. Borgen and why we should choose you.

First come first serve (it is free, but you have to sign up):

Sign up at Billetto through Facebook.

Applications for the intimate Q/A session are forwarded to

- Velkomst ved Lukas Kilsgaard, President, Financelab.
- Danske Banks rejse ved Thomas F. Borgen, CEO, Danske Bank
- Q&A
18.30 – 19.00
- Intimate Q&A session with 10 students

CBS address 
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, SP01


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019