United Nations annual celebration

Across the world, 24 October marks the anniversary of the UN Charter from 1945.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 - 13:00 to 15:30

Event banner

In the 73 years since the 24 October 1945, the UN has worked to promote global unity and peace by working to prevent conflict through peacekeeping operations. The UN’s work has grown to include other global challenges, such as sustainable and social development, which are addressed through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

CBS and the Danish United Nations Association Copenhagen will celebrate the UN’s 73rd birthday at the Wedge (Kilen). The celebration will feature speakers such as Mogens Lykketoft and Steen Hildebrandt and a UN-themed quiz, the winner of which will get to partake in a tree-planting with Frederiksberg’s mayor, Jørgen Glenthøj. Afterwards, there will be a reception inside the Wedge (Kilen) with refreshments for all attendees.

The event takes place from 13.00 to 15.30 on 24 October 2018. All CBS students are welcome to participate in the event, which is free of charge. Please sign up for the event by writing to Liselotte Skovsgaard Jessen, lsj.ls@cbs.dk, CBS President’s Office.

13:00-13:10: Welcome by Per Holten-Andersen, President, CBS

13:10-13:25: Tribute to the United Nations, Mogens Lykketoft, UN Promoter, former Minister and Chairman of UN General Assembly

13:25-13:40: Tribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, Steen Hildebrandt, SDG Promoter and Adjunct Professor at CBS

13:45-14:00: The UN SDGs from a youth perspective, sustainability Influencers

14:00-14:10: Frederiksberg Municipality and the Sustainable Development Goals, Jørgen Glenthøj, Mayor of Frederiksberg

14:10-14:30: SDG 15: Plant a tree, Danish United Nations Association Copenhagen

14:30-14:45: Planting of CBS and Danish UN Association Copenhagen tree, Ditte Ingemann, Danish United Nations Association Copenhagen

14:45-15:30: Reception

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019