Prize Winners' Reception 2017

CBS and DSEB invite you to the annual CBS Prize Winners’ Reception Friday 24 November, 14:00-17:30, the Kiln Hall, Porcelænshaven.

Friday, November 24, 2017 - 14:00 to 17:30

At the CBS Prize Winners’ Reception, we celebrate our staff and students of CBS awarding prizes funded by DSEB, Fonnesbech and CBS.

On the occasion of CBS’ centenary, this year’s programme is extraordinary including the standup comedian Sebastian Dorset and an exciting panel debate on CBS' core product; Education.

See the full programme and do not forget to sign up for 2017 Prize Winners' Reception here

14:00-14:10    Welcome
By Per Holten-Andersen, President

14:10-14:40    CBS seen from the outside
By Sebastian Dorset, Standup Comedian
14:40-15:30    Panel debate: Is the programme quality good enough at the universities?

A record number of young people enrol in programmes at the Danish universities these years. The political dream of creating the highest educated generation ever is therefore well on its way to be realised.
But how does it impact the content of the programmes when so many young people attend classes? What challenges do we face when the universities, which previously were for the minority, now are for the majority?

Come and hear Thomas Skinnerup, CBS Students, Peter Lotz, CBS, Stina Vrang Elias, DEA, Carolina Magdalene Maier (Å)debate the status of the Danish university programmes. What problems exist and how can we solve them?

15:30-15:40    Congratulation from DSEB
By Torben Möger Pedersen, Chairman, DSEB

15:40-15:50    DSEB scholarship paved the way for career in Denmark
By Khanya Vokwana, Commercial Excellence Strategy at Chr. Hansen A/S, MBA alum and DSEB Scholarship recipient

15:50-16:00    DSEB Prizes
By Torben Möger Pedersen, Chairman, DSEB
16:00-16:10    Fonnesbech Prizes
By Per Holten-Andersen, President
16:10-16:20    CBS Prizes
By Per Holten-Andersen, President
16:20-17:30    Reception
With DJ Toke Hinsch

Date: Friday 24 November
Time: 14:00 - 17:30
Place: CBS, Porcelænshaven 20, Frederiksberg

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020