Will there be newspapers in 10 years?

CBS in Nordic project with Jyllands-Posten


CBS in Nordic project with Jyllands-Posten

There are plenty of dooms-day prophecies with regard to the future of newspapers. A number of traditional main editorial offices are trying on-line versions and converting some of their information mediation to online subscribers to deal with the pressure.

Researchers are looking at the development and would like to suggest possible strategies for editorial offices, IT suppliers and the media world.

Nordic Innovation Fund has allocated NKR 2 million for a Nordic project “ New Business forms in e-business and e-Media”.

The result is to be used in reality

The project is connected with Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), which is responsible for the Danish part of the collaboration with Jyllands-Posten.

- It is of the utmost importance that Jyllands-Posten be part of the project. That way we ensure that our findings are actually used in by the businesses, says Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen from CAICT at CBS.

Newspaper readers are fleeing

One of the reasons for the project is the pressure that the newspapers are under. Almost all newspapers are battling the falling number of subscribers; lower advertising incomes and the flood of new free papers. Not only young people but also more and more traditional newspaper readers are now reading the electronic versions. At the same time there is a virtual explosion in the number of ads on the Internet on Google, for example.

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The page was last edited by: Communications // 08/13/2007