Two CBS researchers on the small screen this January

- Danskernes Akademi has been launched


Danskernes Akademi has been launched

What do world-class research and popcorn in front of the TV in common? And is it possible to get smarter just by pressing ”on”? DR’s new series of programmes called Danskernes Akademi sets the stage for discussion and presentation of the newest research in areas such as finance, health, dance and the Russian Revolution. And the best part is that curious Danes get to watch from the comfort of their own living rooms.

Two of CBS's researchers have already been in front of the camera and more will join them this spring.

Grundtvig is not completely dead

On 12 January, as one of the first professors, Ove Kaj Pedersen gave the lecture Uddannelse, dannelse og Grundtvig (Education, Culture and Grundtvig). He tells the viewer about Grundtvig’s eternal presence and his influence on the Danish educational system and Danishness in spite of his death 135 years ago. He explains that Grundtvig has helped shape the self-image, the community spirit and what we characterise as modern Danish society.

Family members are working well together

In the programme Familievirksomheder (Family Businesses), which is aired on 20 January, CBS Professor Morten Bennedsen analyses the uniqueness of working together with one’s brother, sister, parents or children. His conclusion is that a lot of people work with family members and that a surprisingly large number of those do really well. Forget all about dinner-time discussions, who has to do the dishes or who teased whom. In the corporate sector, family may equal success.

Watch the lectures (in Danish):

Ove Kaj Pedersen: Uddannelse, dannelse og Grundtvig

Morten Bennedsen: Familievirksomheder

The page was last edited by: Communications // 01/13/2010