How are hospitals managed in Denmark?

- Listen to the latest show in the series “Inside CBS" - produced and broadcasted by the Danish web radio, Den 2. Radio.


Listen to the latest show in the series “Inside CBS" - produced and broadcasted by the Danish web radio, Den 2. Radio.

In this show, Eva Zeuthen Bentsen, Head of the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, tell about the work of the department - primarily health management.

How is it possible to control the way people experience health and disease? And how has it been possible to manage hospitals through time with several different players such as doctors, politicians, patients, relatives, and sometimes pressure groups, not to mention the media, which aims to bring out individual cases?

Eva Zeuthen Bentsen has varied answers to who is playing – and who should be playing – the most important role with regard to both public and private hospitals. She boldly asserts that hospitals in Jutland are better than hospitals in the Greater Copenhagen Area. They are for instance cleaner.

Listen to all the shows of ”Inside CBS”

One of the shows features Professor Majken Schultz from the Department of Organization. She works with branding and identity. How would a company describe itself? How is it described by others, and how is it possible to affect those two parameters?

Or catch the show with Jesper Strandgaard from the research centre Imagine.. sharing his thoughts on what happens when capital meets creativity - not least within the movie industry, which is Strandgaard’s speciality.

Imagine.. works with creative industries. Creative companies are not only engaged in arts and culture. The car industry is also very creative; it includes design, smells, sounds, and not least storytelling. The centre is studying why some industries place themselves in specific regions, and how they are organised and managed.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 11/24/2008