
Department of Strategy and Innovation


Room: KIL/14.A-2.66

Grazia D. Santangelo is Professor of Strategic and International Management at Copenhagen Business School. She is a Sonoco Visiting Fellow in International Business at the Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. She earned her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Reading (UK). Before joining Copenhagen Business School, she held a Jean Monnet Chair in International Business for European Union at the University of Catania (Italy). She currently holds a part-time professorial appointment at the University of Catania (Italy).

She researches across the fields of international business, global strategy, and innovation management. She has studied the evolution of firms’ internationalization process and how firms strategize on their intangibles, such as knowledge and reputation, across borders. Her most recent research concerns MNEs strategies in the context of geopolitics and Grand Challenges. Her research has been published in leading academic journals, such as the Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of Economic Geography and Organization Science, and recognized by international awards.

She is the co-editor of Global Strategy Journal. Prior to that, she served as Reviewing Editor of Journal of International Business Studies. She is a member of the Editorial Review Board of Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of World Business. She acted as Associate Editor of Journal of International Management and Industry and Innovation.

She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and the European International Business Academy. She is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Academy of Management International Management Division. She served as Chair of the Research Committee of the Division, representative-at-large of the Global Strategy Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society and former President of the European International Business Academy.

Grazia Santangelo has been a speaker at the Danske Bank Sustain Tomorrow 2024 event.

Primary research areas
  • International business
  • International knowledge sourcing
  • Internationalization process
  • Firms strategies and institutions
  • Strategic responses to societal challenges


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Selected publications
  • Maggioni, D., Santangelo, G. D., & Koymen-Ozer, S. (2019) MNEs’ location strategies and labor standards: The role of operating and reputational considerations across industries. Journal of International Business Studies
  • Wettstein, F. Giuliani, E. Santangelo, G.D., Stahl, G.K. (2018) International business and human rights: A research agenda. Journal of World Business,
  • Santangelo. G.D., Dellestrand, H. and Andersson, U. (2018) “Institutional antecedents of subsidiary external embeddedness: Coping with regulatory competitive constraints” Long Range Planning,
  • Rabbiosi, L., Santangelo, G.D. (2018) “Host country corruption and the organization of HQ-subsidiary relationships”. Journal of International Business Studies,
  • Minbaeva, D., & Santangelo, G. D. (2018) "Boundary Spanners and Intra-MNC Knowledge Sharing: The Roles of Controlled Motivation and Immediate Organizational Context". Global Strategy Journal, 8(2): 220-241.
  • Santangelo, G.D., Stucchi, T. (2018) “Internationalization through exaptation: The role of domestic geographical dispersion in the internationalization process”. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(6):753-760.
  • Santangelo, G. D. (2018) "The impact of FDI in land in agriculture in developing countries on host country food security". Journal of World Business, 53(1): 75-84.
  • Santangelo, G.D. & Meyer, K.E. (2017) "Internationalization as an evolutionary process". Journal of International Business Studies, 48(9): 1114–1130.
  • Maggioni, D. Santangelo, G.D. (2017) “Local environmental non-profit organizations and the green investment strategies of family firm”. Ecological Economics, 138(August):126-138.
  • Santangelo, G.D., Meyer, K.E., Jindra, B. (2016) “MNE subsidiaries' outsourcing and insourcing of R&D: The role of local institutions". Global Strategy Journal, 6(4): 247–268.
  • Mudambi, R. Santangelo, G.D. (2015) “From shallow resource pools to emerging clusters: The role of MNE subsidiaries in peripheral areas”. Regional Studies, 50(12): 1965-1979.
  • D’Agostino, L.M. Laursen, K., Santangelo, G.D. (2013) “The impact of R&D offshoring on the home knowledge production of OECD investing regions”. Journal of Economic Geography, 13 (1): 145-175.
  • Narula R. Santangelo, G.D. (2009) “Location, collocation and R&D alliances in the European ICT industry”. Research Policy, 38(2): 393-403.
  • Rabbiosi, L. Santangelo, G.D. (2013) “Parent company benefits from reverse knowledge transfer: The role of the liability of newness in MNEs”. Journal of World Business, 48(1): 160–170.
  • Santangelo G.D. Meyer, E.K. (2011) “Extending Uppsala: Increases and decreases of MNE commitment in emerging economies”. Journal of International Business Studies 42(7): 894-909.
  • Santangelo, G.D. (2009) “MNCs and linkages creation: Evidence from a peripheral area”. Journal of World Business, 44(2), 192-205.
  • Cantwell, J.A. Santangelo, G.D. (2002), “The new geography of corporate research in information and communications technology (ICT)”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(1-2): 163-197.
  • Santangelo, G.D. (2000), “Corporate strategic technological partnerships in the European information and communications technology industry”. Research Policy, 29(9): 1015-1031.
  • Cantwell, J.A. Santangelo, G.D. (2000), “Capitalism, profits and innovation in the new techno-economic paradigm”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 10(1-2): 131-157.
  • Cantwell, J.A. Santangelo, G.D. (1999), “The frontier of international technology networks: sourcing abroad the most highly tacit capability”. Information Economics and Policy, 11: 101-123.


Publications sorted by:
Grazia D. Santangelo / Knowledge-seeking FDI
In: Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management. ed. /Christian Geisler Asmussen; Niron Hashai; Dana Minbaeva. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 259–263
Encyclopedia chapter > peer review
Grazia D. Santangelo; Anupama Phene; Nicole Coviello; Rosalie L. Tung; Teppo Felin / Microfoundations as a Toolkit for International Business Research
In: Journal of International Business Studies, 2024, 10 p.
Grazia D. Santangelo; Vera Rocha; Wolfgang Sofka / Refugee Hiring and Organizational Performance
In: Organization Science, 23.2.2024
Journal article > peer review
Grazia D. Santangelo / Strategic Asset-seeking FDI
In: Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management. ed. /Christian Geisler Asmussen; Niron Hashai; Dana Minbaeva. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 368–372
Encyclopedia chapter > peer review
Grazia D. Santangelo; Pavlos C. Symeou / The Internationalization of State-owned Enterprises in Liberalized Markets : The Role of Home-country Pro-market Reforms.
In: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 55, No. 5, 7.2024, p. 638-651
Journal article > peer review
Daniela Maggioni; Grazia D. Santangelo; Seda Koymen-Ozer / The Nature of Import Competition and Firms' Environmental Engagement in Emerging Markets
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. : Academy of Management 2024, 1 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Grazia D. Santangelo; Christian Schumacher; Can Tihanyi / When Do MNEs Walk the Talk in GVC Relationships? : Contract Termination With Irresponsible Suppliers.
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Valhalla, NY : Academy of Management 2024, 1 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Alessandra Perri; Grazia D. Santangelo / Close Together or Far Apart? : The Geography of Host-country Knowledge Sourcing and MNC's Innovation Performance.
In: Regional Studies, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2.2023, p. 370-383
Journal article > peer review
Christian Geisler Asmussen; Andrea Fosfuri; Marcus Møller Larsen; Grazia D. Santangelo / Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Value Chain : A Bargaining Perspective.
In: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 54, No. 7, 9.2023, p. 1175-1192
Journal article > peer review
Grazia D. Santangelo / Integrating Responsible Conduct in Multinational Enterprise Strategy : An Institutional Framework.
In: Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility. ed. /Anthony Goerzen. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 61–73
Book chapter > peer review
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Research Projects
Outside activities
Year Name of contractual partner Type of activity
2023 - 2024 University of Catania (Italy) Part-time Professor