Department of Finance

My main research area is dynamic asset allocation. That is, I determine the optimal investment strategy in different financial assets like stocks, bonds, and derivatives over the life-cycle of the investor. Also, I am involved in several projects where we investigate the relationship between the mortgage choice of households and the households' other financial decisions regarding savings, investments, and consumption. Finally, I have some projects in which we investigate the effect of model- and parameter uncertainty on the optimal investment strategy.
I am a board member of Sydinvest (a Danish mutual fund) and a member of the working group on equal competition between banks and mortgage institutions appointed by the Ministry of Business and Growth.
- Asset Allocation
- Household Finance
- Mortgage choice
- Model and parameter uncertainty
- Asset Pricing
- Robust Portfolio Choice with Stochastic Interest Rates. C. R. Flor and L. S. Larsen. Annals of Finance 10 (2), pp. 243-265, 2014
- Robust Portfolio Choice with Uncertainty about Jump and Diffusion Risk. N. Branger and L. S. Larsen. Journal of Banking and Finance 37 (12), pp. 5036-5047, 2013
- Robust Portfolio Choice with Ambiguity and Learning about Return Predictability. N. Branger, L. S. Larsen, and C. Munk. Journal of Banking and Finance 37 (5), pp. 1397-1411, 2013
- The Costs of Suboptimal Dynamic Asset Allocation: General Results and Applications to Interest Rate Risk, Stock Volatility Risk and Growth/Value Tilts. L. S. Larsen and C. Munk. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36 (2), pp. 266-293, 2012
- Optimal Investment Strategies in an International Economy with Stochastic Interest Rates. International Review of Economics and Finance 19 (1), pp. 145-165, 2010
In: Management Science, Vol. 70, No. 3, 3.2024, p. 1970-1991
In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 58, No. 8, 12.2023, p. 3420-3449
In: Finance Research Letters, Vol. 47, 6.2022
Paper presented at Midwest Finance Association 2019 Annual Meeting , 2019
In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 107, 10.2019
Paper presented at 25th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association. DGF 2018, 2018
København : Rig på viden 2022
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Ny formand med rødder i matematikken
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- Boardmember at Sydinvest
- Censor
- External assessment committee member at PhD thesis
- External assessment committee member at academic positions at other universities