Department of Digitalization

Ulrik BU Røhl is a Post Doctoral Researcher (PostDoc) at Copenhagen Business School in collaboration with the publicly owned ICT company, KOMBIT Ltd. He is also affiliated with the Public Governance Institute at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium as a research fellow. He holds a PhD in public administration from the University of Aalborg in Denmark.
After 15+ years in managerial positions in Danish local and national digital government, he joined academia in 2018 hoping to cultivate his professional experience with procurement, development, and implementation of large ICT systems into deeper and broader academic knowledge on the future of public administration.
Ulrik’s research focuses on automated decision-making, good administration, and public management mirroring larger issues regarding digital government, bureaucracy, and contemporary state power. He takes a particular interest in how use of automated, administrative decision-making affects organisational practices and adherence to regulations and norms of good administration within public administration.
- Automated decision-making
- Organisational and managerial aspects of digital government
- Regulations and norms of good administration
- Public values
- Andersen, S. S., & Røhl, U. B. U. (2021). Offentlige myndigheder, digitalisering og god forvaltning: Holder de loven? Holder loven?: En undersøgelse af grænselandet mellem retskilder og levence ret. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 98(1).
- Røhl, U. B. U., & Nielsen, J. A. (2019). Sundhedsplatformen i modvind: En analyse af aktørernes teknologiforståelser i danske medier. Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien, 34(3), 178-206.
- Roehl, U. B. U. (2022). Understanding Automated Decision-Making in the Public Sector: A Classification of Automated, Administrative Decision-Making. In Service Automation in the Public Sector (pp. 35-63). Springer, Cham.
- Røhl, U. B. U. (2022). Automated, Administrative Decision-Making: Friends, Foes or Complete Strangers? PhD Thesis, Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aalborg University
In: Public Administration Review, Vol. 84, No. 6, 11.2024, p. 1184-1199
In: Electronic Participation: Proceedings of the 16th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference. . ed. /Marius Rohde Johannessen; Csaba Csáki; Lieselot Danneels; Sara Hofmann; Thomas Lampoltshammer; Peter Parycek; Gerhard Schwabe; Efthimios Tambouris; Jolien Ubacht. : Springer 25.8.2024, p. 64-82 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14891)
In: Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 4, 10.2023
In: Public Policy and Administration, 31.8.2023
In: Politica - Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab, Vol. 55, No. 3, 9.2023, p. 252–266
Aalborg : Aalborg Universitetsforlag 2022, 334 p. (Ph.d.-serien for Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet, Aalborg Universitet)
In: Service Automation in the Public Sector: Concepts, Empirical Examples and Challenges. . ed. /Gustaf Juell-Skielse; Ida Lindgren; Maria Åkesson. Cham : Springer 2022, p. 35 ( Progress in IS)
In: Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, Vol. 98, No. 1, 6.2021
Abstract from ESPAnet 2020 PHD seminar, 2020, p. 1-30
Abstract from Reshaping Work Conference, 2020
Paper presented at Nordisk Forvaltningsretlig Konference 2019, 2019
Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference 2019, 2019
In: Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2019, p. 178-206
Rome : Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne 2005, 285 p.
København : Altinget.dk 20.7.2023
Kompleks lovgivning og dårlig forberedelse hæmmer offentlige it-systemer
Kalder Skattestyrelsens arbejde for 'ineffektivt': 'Det er spild af ressourcer'
Forsker i digitalisering: Lovgivningen er ikke simpel nok til at digitaliseres
Kunstigt åndedræt: Algoritmer kan puste nyt liv i sagsbehandlingen
Supplementing his academic activities, Ulrik serves as a strategic advisor at the publicly owned ICT company, KOMBIT