Department of Business Humanities and Law
- Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit

Anders Theis Bollmann is a PhD Fellow at the Department of Business Humanities and Law at CBS.
His PhD research focuses on entrepreneurialism understood as a specific ideology and a broader epistemic culture and its relationship to defense policy and military institutions. Concretely he seeks to understand the conceptual, practical, institutional, and material aspects of entrepreneurialism’s permeation into western military institutions and how it is transforming the way these institutions think, organize and act. Currently, his work focuses on military design thinking and (2) military technological innovation as two instances as specific manifestations of entrepreneurialism and on how they shape institutional entrepreneurship within western military institutions.
Anders’ PhD is part of the Semper Ardens: Advance Project “The Entrepreneurial Age: Rethinking Entrepreneurship in Society” funded by the Carlsberg Foundation led by principal investigator Prof. Christina Lubinski.
Anders holds an BA. and MA. In Philosophy & Sciences Studies and History from Roskilde University. Before joining CBS, he has worked at the Centre for Military Studies at Copenhagen University and at The Royal Danish Defence College.
- Military Studies, Military Epistemology and Military History
- Entrepreneurialism and Entrepreneurship (especially related to defense and security)
- Military Design Thinking and Military Innovation
- Institutionalism and Institutional Entrepreneurship
- Science and Technology Studies (STS) with a specific focus on emerging and disruptive (military) technologies
Teaching Assistant on the course “Institutionelle Perspektiver” (taught in Danish)
I am open to supervise BA. and Master’s theses within my own or related research fields. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
I work as an external examiner (Censor) at the Royal Danish Defence College
Bollmann, Anders Theis & Jacobsen, Katja Lindskov. "Militær dataoversættelse og digital transformation: Erfaringer fra Ukraine og fokusområder for dansk forsvar", CMS-rapport, København: DjØFs Forlag, 2023.
Bollmann, Anders Theis & Heltberg, Therese. “The strategic corporal, the tactical general and the digital coup d’oeil”. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 6:1, pp. 151-168, 2023. DOI: https://doi. org/10.31374/sjms.190
Bollmann Anders Theis & Søren Sjøgren. ”Rethinking Clausewitz’ Chameleon: Is it time for Western Militaries to Abandon the Idea of War’s Immutable Nature?” In Crosbie, Thomas Alexander [ed.] Military Politics: New Perspectives, Military Politics Series, Berghann Books 2023.
Bollmann, Anders Theis. “Danish Defense Transformation and the Technopolitics of Relevant Military Contributions”. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 4:1, pp. 62-77, 2021. DOI:
Nielsen, Thomas Galasz & Bollmann, Anders Theis. “Det strategiske perspektiv: Teknopolitiske dagsordner og konfigureringen af det strategiske miljø”. In Nørgaard, Katrine & Sjøgren, Søren [ed.]. Robotterne Styrer!: Militær teknopolitik og risikoledelse i praksis, pp. 117-137, København: Samfundslitteratur, 2019
København : 2.4.2024