
Department of Organization

  • Research, Innovation and Organization (RIO) Group

Room: KIL/14.A-4.95
Susana Borras
Susana Borrás is Professor at the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark. She teaches and conducts research on the interaction between governance and innovation, especially for the grand societal challenges, on topics like: Green innovation diffusion processes; the capacity of public sector organizations implementing green transitions; the design of innovation policy and its instruments; the governance of change and scale-up processes in socio-technical systems; organizational strategies of technology transfer; legitimacy and democracy of science and technology governance; processes of co-creation, participation, and social / policy learning.

Currently, she is leading the research project CAPACITOR, about the capacity of public sector organizations in green transitions. 

For more than three decades Susana Borrás has been advising governments and institutions at international and national levels (European Commission, OECD, European Parliament, Danish government, etc. ). She is currently member of the editorial board of five international peer reviewed scientific journals, and seats as well in various executive and scientific advisory committees. She has published extensively in international high-ranked journals and in other relevant outlets. She holds a Degree (UAB, Barcelona 1991) and a PhD (EUI, Florence 1996) in political science and sociology.


Primary research areas
  • Green innovation diffusion processes
  • The capacity of public sector organizations implementing green transitions 
  • The design of innovation policy and its instruments
  • The governance of change and scale-up processes in socio-technical systems
  • Organizational strategies of technology transfer
  • Legitimacy and democracy of science and technology governance
  • Processes of co-creation, participation, and social /policy learning
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Den grønne omstilling, organisatorisk kapacitet og ledelse (Master of Public Governance - MPG) 
  • Regulation and Governance of Digital Business (BSc Digital Management)
  • Social Science Research Design and Methods (PhD course)
  • Business and European Governance (BSc European Business)



She supervises at Ph.D., Master thesis, and Bachelor thesis levels in the areas related to her teaching and research.

Selected publications


Publications sorted by:
Patries Boekholt; Susana Borrás; Totti Könnölä; Geoff Mulgan; Wolfgang Polt / Breaking Down Walls and Building New Bridges - The Whole of Government Approach in Research & Innovation : Mutual Learning Exercise on the Whole of Government Approach in Research & Innovation Policy. Final Report.
: Publications Office of the European Union 2024, 41 p.
Susana Borrás; Francesco Gerli; Rebecca Cenzato / Technology Transfer Offices in the Diffusion of Transformative Innovation : Rethinking Roles, Resources, and Capabilities.
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 200, 3.2024
Journal article > peer review
Susana Borrás; Stine Haakonsson; Christian Hendriksen; Francesco Gerli; René Taudal Poulsen; Trine Pallesen; Lucas Somavilla Croxatto; Susanna Kugelberg; Henrik Larsen / The Transformative Capacity of Public Sector Organisations in Sustainability Transitions
In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 53, 12.2024
Journal article > peer review
David Howoldt; Susana Borrás / Innovation Policy Instruments for Grand Challenges : Targeting Constellations of Diverse R&I Actors?.
In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 30, No. 8, 10.2023, p. 985-1007
Journal article > peer review
Susana Borrás / New Policy Designs and Instruments for a Whole of Government Approach in R&I : Second Thematic Report.
Bruxelles : European Commission 2023, 34 p.
Report > peer review
Susana Borrás; Stine Haakonsson; René Taudal Poulsen; Trine Pallesen; Christian Hendriksen; Lucas Somavilla; Susanna Kugelberg; Henrik Larsen; Francesco Gerli / The Transformative Capacity of Public Sector Organizations in Sustainability Transitions : A Conceptualization.
Lund : Lund University 2023, 47 p. (Papers in Innovation Studies, No. 2023/02)
Working paper
Susanna Kugelberg; Susana Borrás / Timing the Climate Transition in Sweden : A Company’s Green Innovation Journey towards Negative Emissions: Teaching Case Study.
Lund : Lund University 2023, 20 p. (Papers in Innovation Studies, No. 2023/07)
Working paper
Susana Borrás; Sylvia Schwaag Serger / The Design of Transformative Research and Innovation Policy Instruments for Grand Challenges : The Policy-nesting Perspective.
In: Science and Public Policy, Vol. 49, No. 5, 10.2022, p. 659-672
Journal article > peer review
Lasse Bundgaard; Susana Borrás / City-wide Scale-up of Smart City Pilot Projects : Governance Conditions.
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 172, 11.2021
Journal article > peer review
Susana Borrás; Jakob Edler / The Roles of the State in the Governance of Socio-Technical Systems' Transformation
München : Fraunhofer 2020, 27 p. (Fraunhofer ISI Discussion Papers Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis, No. 65)
Working paper
More results... (total 105 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
2023 - 2026
European University Institute, Florence
Member Research Council (3 working days per year)
November 2022 - April 2024
European Commission
High level expert panel (43 days)
No outside activities to report
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
1 month visiting professor in March 2020
Research Council Norway (RCN)
Chair of the evaluation board for the FORINNPOL call for proposals
European Union H2020 - Research Executive Agency of the European Commission
Chair of the board evaluating research proposals under the call TRANSFORMATIONS-13-2018
International Public Policy Association and the University of Padova
3 days of teaching at: “International Summer School in Public Policy 2019”. Teaching in Democratic governance, Policy Innovation and Learning”.
No outside activities to report